Molly Ringwald talks about rape and sexual assault in movies from the 80s to the # MeToo era


Molly Ringwald is uncomfortable with the number of 80's films that deal with sexual abuse among teens – and that includes the John Hughes films she's been playing.

"You know, when I did these movies with John Hughes, her intention was not to do" Porky's "or" Animal House "," she told NPR on Monday. "But I think, you know, as everyone says and I think it's true, that times were different and that what was acceptable then was no longer and did not." should not have been so, but it's a bit like that. "

"I have a very different feeling from cinema right now and it's a difficult position for me because I like them a lot," she added. "And of course, I do not want to seem ungrateful to John Hughes, but I'm opposed to a lot of what's in these movies."

Ringwald, 50, also tackled these elements of his films in an essay for the New Yorker published in April, including the treatment of Caroline's character in "Sixteen Candles," who gets drunk and drunk with a nerd (and Jake says that he can 'violate 10 different ways if [he] wanted "because she fainted).

She told NPR that she watched the 1980s classic with her daughter and watched the film from a different angle.

"There were parts of this film that bothered me then," she admitted. "Although everyone likes to say that I had the ear of John Hughes and he listened to me in many ways, I was not the filmmaker. And, you know, sometimes I said to him, "Well, I think it's a little ugly" or "I think it's unimportant" or "It does not ring true," and sometimes he listened to me, but in other cases, he did not do it. And you know, you do not want to talk too much. You do not want to cross the line. Or at least, that's what I felt at the time. "

Earlier, Ringwald had claimed to have been the victim of a series of off-screen harassment by "many Harveys" but not of the dishonored mogul Harvey Weinstein himself.

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