Mom left death a few hours after the flesh virus entered the stomach during a caesarean section


A three year old mother revealed her horror after a flesh eating insect entered her stomach during an emergency cesarean section.

Ashley Thompson, 36, was operated on for a caesarean section when doctors discovered that she had had a prolapse after being induced.

Her baby, Jude, was safely delivered but without her knowledge or the doctors, dangerous bacteria that feast on human tissue crept into her body during the operation.

When the doctors finally figured out what was wrong, they had to race against the clock to open her belly again and get rid of the infection before she killed her.

Ashley was put in a coma after surgery to protect her organs

At first, Ashley had no idea what had happened during the cesarean section of April 2014.

Immediately after the intervention, all his attention was focused on Jude, who had to be hospitalized for intensive care because he was having trouble breathing.

She and her husband Eric, 31, had to go home without their newborn and could not see him again until 48 hours later.

But a few days after her return home, Ashley began to have a stomach ache.

"I thought everything was fine," said the former nurse, who lives in Arkansas, United States.

"But then, over the next two days, I started to realize that something was wrong, while this terrible pain was forming in my belly and that a wave of confusion and confusion tiredness hit me.

"Even so, even though it hurt a lot, I thought it was due to irritation of the stitches."

Ashley and Jude together during his three weeks of convalescence at the hospital

She went back to her doctor just in case, forgetting that the deadly necrotizing fasciitis – the flesh-eating bacteria – was spreading in her internal organs.

Back in the hospital, the terrifying truth appeared after a CT scan that revealed that most of its lower abdominal muscle wall was eaten alive.

"Everything then happened very quickly," Ashley said. "Before I realized it, I was lying in the operating room, torn belly.

"It was such a race against the clock that they did not even have time to anesthetize me. I was awake when they reopened my caesarean section and cut rotten flesh. It was by far the worst pain of my life. .

"The surgeons knew that if they waited longer, I would die because of this thing.I had the impression that someone was tearing me inside."

Ashley back home with Jude after leaving the hospital

"The stench was so horrible that the surgeons had to leave the theater to get sick, it smelled like death."

After a total of ten hours of operation, Ashley had to be in a coma to protect her organs being shut down.

The doctors cut off the entire muscular wall of the lower abdomen and replaced it with a pork skin trickle.

Ashley finally woke up, but she had no memory of her birth and did not even recognize her husband.

But with her memories returning after a week, she formed a special bond with her newborn.

She explained, "Jude and I have this connection that comes from the very difficult passage he had in the world.

"Once I recovered enough to start taking care of him, I immediately became very protective of him, much more than I am with my other children."

Ashley left scars on her belly

Today, Ashley still suffers from the memory of her imminent death.

"It was surreal, completely surreal to think that I had this horrible thing in me gnawing my flesh and that I was about to die," she said.

"I wanted to get better as soon as I could, so I could be a mom for Jude and take care of him when he really needed me, which is what allowed me to continue."

Now four years old, Jude has become a healthy little boy, loved by his mother.

Unfortunately, Ashley's healing journey was difficult, leaving her unable to work because of constant pain and swelling of her lower abdomen.

"I find it very difficult to stay upright for long periods of time because my belly starts to swell very quickly and become scary," she said.

"I'm also scarred, which really hurt me.

"Now, however, I have come to grips with this and with everything that has happened to me.

"I'm not looking for pity or attention, but I'm really proud of surviving this terrible ordeal."

She added, "It's amazing what the human body can beat, and I'm now determined to live as long as I can and be the best mother possible for my children."

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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