Mom who lost hands, feet to sepsis climbs Kilimanjaro


A mother who had her hands and feet amputated as a result of a sepsis infection climbed Kilimanjaro with an incredible endurance feat.

On October 5, Corinne Hutton completed her five-day climb to the highest free mountain in the world.

And it is believed that the 48-year-old woman is the first quad amputee amputee to do so.

The mother of one of the children had a bad cough in 2013, which turned out to be pneumonia – and then became an infection with sepsis.

Hutton had only five percent chance of survival, but his hands and feet were deprived of oxygen for so long that there was no choice but l & # 39; amputation.


An operation to remove the majority of a lung in 2017 had occurred several months before the London triathlon, but she refused to let that stop her and crossed the finish line into a hour and 52 minutes.

Accompanied by ten fundraisers, Hutton climbed the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, which rises to 20,000 feet above sea level.

Hutton is believed to be the first quad amputee to reach the top.

Hutton is believed to be the first quad amputee to reach the top.

"I have embarked on this initiative to encourage people to be the best they can be, to prove that I am not" disabled "and to raise funds to support the amputee community," said Hutton. The house and people everywhere have allowed me to continue. I managed to see incredible support coming in, and that 's what led me to the top.

"I knew that climbing would be difficult on prostheses, and altitude can be a problem if you have only one lung on a third," she said. minute of the day, even when we were not climbing. Everyone who was with me was amazing. "


The funds will be donated to a Hutton-based charity, Finding Your Feet, which helps amputees.

To date, more than £ 15,000 (approximately $ 19,600) has been raised.

Hutton, who lives with his son Rory, in Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire, at the age of 10, wants to prove that disability is not an obstacle to success.

"They've all done something fantastic for charities, so they deserve a lot of credit. They were there to help me when I needed it. your own mountain, whatever it is. "

"Now, I can not wait to take a shower," she said. "We're all dirty, but I do not have the fingers to get my hair through my hair or my nails to get dirty."

The team completed its climb in five days and began the descent on Sunday, October 7th.

They will be in Tanzania until October 10th.

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