Moment of truth for Merkel as rebels weigh migration offers


Berlin (AFP) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel was fighting for her political future on Sunday, seeking to appease the conservative rebels about immigration with a hard-fought European agreement even as states of the United States and the United States go to war. East EU were contesting it. The CDU party and its Bavarian conservative allies hold separate meetings to weigh the results of the EU summit last week, which approved collective measures taken by the 28 EU members to reduce Immigration

and CSF leader Horst Seehofer challenge it by turning to border asylum seekers already registered in other EU countries.

The unilateral move would force him to dismiss him, which would result in a CSU strike that would cost him a majority in parliament.

According to a document sent to coalition partners, Merkel sought to assault the hard-core with agreements with 16 other countries to return already-registere d The migrants arrived in Germany

The German leader, who is in power since 2005, warned that the issue of migration could decide the very future of the EU

. European Commissioner for the European Union and politician of the CDU, Guenther Oettinger, said in an interview to the weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

"This is very valuable for the". Germany, no one should destroy it. "

But there were signs of collapse of some of the transactions, as three Central European countries – Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic – denied accepting to accept migrants returned home

. It is doubtful that all the decisions taken in the EU Council will become reality, "CSU leader Alexander Dobrindt told Bild am Sonntag newspaper in 19659010. The Arian party will meet in Munich to decide on answer, while Merkel and his senior lieutenants will meet in Berlin

– Admission centers –

European leaders agreed on the creation of "landing platforms" in Africa in the North, to discourage migrants and refugees from boarding contraband boats.

Member countries could also set up treatment centers to determine whether newcomers have returned home as economic migrants or admitted as refugees, 19659015] At the national level, Merkel also proposes that migrants arriving in Germany and registered in another EU country be placed in "ad centers". special missions under restrictive conditions, according to a document that she sent to the CSU and the social partners. Party (SPD).

"There will be a reinforced residency obligation with sanctions," says the document.

He says that asylum applications in Germany een January and May this year were 20 percent lower than the same period in 2017.

Merkel told reporters Friday that the EU and the bilateral agreements were "more than equivalent in their effect" to Seehofer's demands. Markus Soeder, Prime Minister of the State, said at a political meeting Saturday: "Of course, what has been achieved in Brussels is more important than we originally thought."

Seehofer has not yet responded publicly to the Brussels summit. Merkel was seen on Saturday discussing the results with faces stretched out on the balcony of his Berlin office

– Merkel-bashing –

The chancellor's frantic last-minute diplomacy was ultimately provoked by the fear of the CSU's lose his absolute darling. The majority in the Land of Bavaria

The "Free State" with its alpine traditions of beer and lederhosen, powerful industries and impenetrable dialect has a more conservative penchant than other German regions. CDU forms a center-right force that has dominated national politics for decades

Political stability has been disrupted by Merkel's decision to keep borders open to migrants and refugees arriving in Bavaria from the Middle East via the Balkans , Hungary and Austria.

Since then, more than a million people have arrived in Germany, while Merkel 's governments have repeatedly tightened the laws on immigration and asylum.

Nevertheless, the Alternative Anti-Refugee and Anti-Islamic Parliament for the first time last year out of outrage over immigration, leading to months of paralysis as Merkel struggled to find a viable coalition.

Opinion polls point the AFD making such a spectacular entry into the Bavarian parliament in October. "Merkel-bashing", however, failed to help the CSU, as a Forsa poll last week showed that nearly 68% of Bavarians supported Merkel's search for an answer to the question. European scale to migration rather than Germany alone

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