Mom's #HimToo Tweet about her son Pieter Hanson becomes viral


pieter hanson


Pieter Hanson

A mother posted a picture of her son in sailor uniform and wrote in a tweet now viral but deleted: "This is MY son. He graduated No. 1 in training camp. He received the USO award. He was # 1 in a school. He is a gentleman who respects women. He will not participate in solo concerts because of the current climate of false sexual accusations of radical feminists ready to do anything to succeed. #Him too."

A Twitter page named Pieter Hanson using the @Thatwasmymom handle then said, "It was my mother. Sometimes the people we love do things that hurt us without realizing it. Let's go back to this. I respect and #BelieveWomen. I have never and will never support #HimToo. I am a proud veterinarian of the Navy, Cat Dad and Ally. In addition, Twitter, your game is of course. "

In a message sent to Heavy by Facebook, Pieter Hanson confirmed that he had created the @Thatwasmymom page to offer his answer. He tweeted several other times, in one case, an effort to draw attention to positive efforts. "I would prefer to talk less about myself and more about other extraordinary people who deserve special attention," Pieter Hanson told Heavy in an interview.

"What my mother wrote is not true," he added. "I want a good positive reaction. Too much negativity in the world. He concluded: "All memes are hilarious. I am exhausted after a very long night. In the meantime, please send my love to everyone. "

Another article on his newly created page made light of all the animal memes generated by his mother's tweet. You can see his other tweets here.

The message from the mother sent the hashtag #HimToo up sharply, many making fun of her message. Huffington Post identified this woman's son as Pieter Hanson and his brother, Jon Hanson, reportedly said, "My mother has good intentions … She posted on Facebook her eligible single sons and tried to give them many times over the years, but she never spoke to my brother, and he did not make any of these statements about sexual allegations. "Jon Hanson added to Huffington Post that his brother was" a great supporter of women's rights, among others.A remarkable guy from the community and everyone who knows him love him.

On Twitter, he said it was not true that his brother would not go solo. Basically, he said that their mother was wrong.

Here's what you need to know:

Jon Hanson wrote that his brother tended on Twitter because of his mother's "ridiculous tweet"

Jon Hanson is a Florida man whose Twitter account reads: "Traveling Vagabond. Music lover, sports fanatic and video game lover. "He also revealed on Twitter that the man in the photo was his brother.

"My brother has a tendency on Twitter because of my mother's ridiculous tweet. I'm just laughing and I feel bad for him. #HimToo, "wrote Hanson on his own Twitter page, enclosing a photo.

Hanson added, "This has been more important than expected. I tell my brother to create a Twitter account. And, "He's creating one, but we're on the phone with the media right now. Crazy. Meanwhile, their mother, @ MarlaReynoldsC3, has completely deleted her Twitter page.

Jon Hanson also said that his mother was new to Twitter early, writing: "She told me a week ago that she was joining Twitter. I'm serious. A woman answered in the comment thread, "Omg. A week … .it took him a week to break Twitter … .hhhhhhhhh, she will never tweet again …. "

Hanson said his brother was upset by writing, "He's hurt. But it's going to end. With the exception of me and his friends, we may never let him live like this. He continued, "Oh, our friends already have good ideas for running with this. I do not think he wants it someday. And: "She posted several times on Facebook to ask for an appointment. He does not need his help. She had good intentions but I did not expect it to become viral. "

He added that his brother was getting a lot of attention from women as a result of his mother's tweet, noting, "Apparently, women who use dating apps are discovering and sending her messages." He added, "He texted me saying that Mom was involved again. I looked up and quickly realized that the virus was becoming viral. "

Jon told people writing on his Twitter feed that his brother was not really afraid to go out with girls, saying that their mother "had invented everything". He added: "I send him positive answers and that helps a lot." Thank you. "

Jon concluded, "He does not have a twitter. He asked if he should … defend himself. I told him that it was not a good idea, lol. He added that his brother "actually goes solo. From the mother, Jon added: "Twitter deleted. His account was hacked. "

On Facebook, Pieter Hanson's motto is: "We live. We die. We live again! He defines himself as "BEERntrepreneur at Sanford Homebrew Shop" and says that he "works at The Ruckus".

His last message is an innocuous article about Uber. It is written, "Does any one know how to dispute the additional service charges? There is no way to contact them! I had terrible rides back to back where I was extremely overloaded. One of them charged me $ 30 for a trip I had never made and they refunded me 30 cents. "

In September, he wrote: "Soooo Facebook has been hacked …. I can only imagine all the vile things that they will do with my plethora of cat photos and my old FarmVille ID. "

His public publications do not deal with politics and he appears to be quite apolitical and not posting on #metoo or related topics. In July, he wrote, "Why is today even more special for me?" Eight years ago today, I officially went on an internship in the best marine in the world. So much that I mean that a simple Facebook will not be able to cover. So, a simple thank you to everyone in my life who has supported me throughout my journey and a cry for this amazing country that I call home. #Murica. His page does not like politics either, although he likes Gary Johnson's page.

#HimToo trending on Twitter but some people have made fun of the mother Tweet

#Himtoo has not been taken so seriously by many people that Hanson's mother seems to have wanted. Instead, it has become a joke on Twitter, with people creating memes and GIFs. Here are a few:

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