Mom's warning after the death of her daughter from a "death kiss" at the age of eight days


A mother warns other parents not to kiss their own baby or to let others kiss her after the death of her eight-day-old baby herpes sufferer.

Abigail Rose Friend, 19, was devastated by the death of her daughter Aliza Rose after contracting the HSV-1 virus.

She said that her newborn had only 36 hours of health, before becoming lethargic, selfless and in the food and developed a fever.

Aliza quickly deteriorated and she was connected to so many cables and machinery that her mother, Abigail, was physically sick when she approached her bed.

The doctors told Abigail that Aliza had contracted the virus after being kissed by a carrier or touched with unwashed hands – but there was no way of knowing who had transmitted it.

Now, the devastated mother speaks bravely to warn other parents not to kiss their newborns or to let anyone else do it – and always wash their hands.

Abigail, from Oakland, Maryland, USA, said, "It's not going away for a moment without me thinking about it, it's in my thoughts every day.

Aliza has been hooked up to dozens of sons

"I hope his story will educate people not to kiss babies and wash their hands.

"You do not want anything like that to happen – it's awful." I just want people to realize that it's a very real threat to kids.

"I will do everything in my power to make the rest of my life aware of this disease."

Only one in every 100,000 babies is affected by this rare disease in the United Kingdom.

Abigail said, "I did not even know that it was possible for babies to get it before it ever happened.

"The disease is so rare that as a new mother, we do not hear about it, and yet it's such a widespread virus that no one seems to know that babies can die from it."

"It attaches to the spine and causes fluid buildup around their lungs and brains, essentially destroying the inside of their body until brain death.

"There is no cure. It is fatal for infants two weeks old or younger and, if they survive, they need 24-hour care for the rest of their lives.

Broken parents with their child

Aliza was healthy for a day and a half, and it took six and a half days for the virus to completely destroy her body.

"Some family members and a few close friends came to visit him when he was born.

"There's no way of knowing who gave him the virus because it's such a common virus, it could have been anybody, it could have been a doctor to my knowledge." . "

"When she was born, she was happy and quite good, she started having a fever and did not want to wake up or eat.

"She started to swell because of the fluid accumulated in her lungs.

"She was having trouble breathing and they had to oxygenate her.Finally, she had so many appliances and tubes that you could not even say that she was a baby."

The doctors claimed that the disease was so rare that it was virtually a "stroke of luck" and assured Abigail and her partner Tyler Hensley, 26, that "there was a lot of luck". there was hope that their little girl would come out of it.

But little Aliza suffered so much that she was sedated to keep her comfortable.

Aliza was fine for only 36 hours

Abigail warned other parents of the dangers of herpes newborn

The combination of drugs left with epileptic seizures and soon, it was controlled with the help of an EEG device as well as a dialysis machine and d & # 39; Equipment to keep it breathing.

However, the little girl was eventually declared a brain dead after the virus "gnawed her brain" and Abigail sang "You are my ray of sunshine" for her daughter at her death on May 20th.

Abigail said, "His brain swelled so much and his lungs were so swollen that you could see all the veins in his chest.

"She was basically plugged into any kind of machine that you can think of to have a baby in. It literally hurt my stomach to see her like that.

"I was going to sit with her a bit and I was looking at her on these machines and saw them breathing for her and I was vomiting." It made me physically sick.

"They told us on May 19 that they did not think it would be better, but it could. Then I asked if there was hope or false hope and they said it was real.

"The very next day, not even 24 hours later, they tell us that we have to remove machines because it will not succeed."

Abigail holding Aliza

Months after the death of her daughter, Abigail finally felt herself ready to share her story and wrote it in an online status.

In her message, Abigail said, "I will never stop sharing the heartbreaking and heartbreaking story of our sweet Aliza Rose.

"Someone touched her without washing her hands or kissed her face while carrying the virus. And no matter who can be a wearer and not show signs!

"It's fatal for at least two weeks and parents can pass it on to them too! Help us save more babies' lives by telling our story and not kissing babies.


Aliza at the hospital

The emotional publication received more than 500,000 reactions, shares and comments.

Abigail said, "The only way to describe this is that it's absolutely overwhelming.

Aliza was plump and happy and insolent, she was silly.

"If I fed her and her father stopped looking at her, she would gladly spit milk out of his mouth so that he would have to turn around to wipe his face."

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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