Monsanto Weed Killer kills bees, new research shows


Roundup weedkiller from Monsanto Co. is known for its intended uses, but also for many auxiliary damages. The powerful, widely used pesticide has proven to be harmful to an ally of plants and flowers: bees. According to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, glyphosate, the herbicide produced by Monsanto that is commonly called Roundup, targets and damages a beneficial enzyme in the intestines and can make them more vulnerable to life-threatening infections. .

Glyphosate is the most widely used agricultural chemical to date, and its widespread use and persistence in the environment may help to explain the imbalance of colonies and other conditions that have led to the ruin of populations. Bees worldwide. Bees are dying in record numbers for years, affected by climate change and habitat loss, especially in urban areas. In turn, bee deaths have an impact on the global food chain, as healthy pollinators are critical to basic agricultural success and crop yield.

Monsanto has been watched more and more this summer for the harm that its supposedly useful agricultural products can cause. In a landmark case in August, Monsanto was ordered to pay $ 289 million in damages in the first of what should be a series of lawsuits alleging that Monsanto Roundup causes cancer.

Traces of Monsanto weed killer have been observed in breakfast cereals such as Cheerios and in other packaged foods sold in the United States and Canada.

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