Montana men mow "FU45" in a field on the flight path of Air Force One while Trump arrives in the state


Two men from Montana proposed a new way to express their disapproval of President Donald Trump's visit to the state on Saturday.

the Great Falls Tribune reported that Kevin Crawford of Bozeman and Curtis Roe of Belgrade had engraved the message "FU45" in 60-foot letters running in a field below the flight path that Air Force One had to borrow to get to the airport. Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport.

Crawford told the publication that he did not just want to protest the president's visit at his rally in Belgrade, Montana on Saturday afternoon, because "his winged base does not like anything." more than to think that they are pissing off a group of protesting liberals. "

He said he discussed with his friend how they should record their disapproval of Trump's visit. After two beers, they started to cut the giant letters.

GettyImages-1056939704 On November 3, 2018 in Belgrade, Montana, US President Donald Trump speaks at the "Make America Great Again" rally at Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport. Getty Images

"It's just to express his dissatisfaction or disgust – or I could think of a lot of other adjectives," he said. "My approach was, we said what we had to say with a lawn mower."

At Saturday's rally, Trump called on Montana voters to replace Democratic Senator Jon Tester, and detailed his personal grudge against the outgoing president, whom he blamed for the defeat of his leadership candidate for the doctor. Ronny Jackson, White House.

"That's the reason I'm here," said Trump. "I have never forgotten it and it's really one of the reasons I'm here so much," said Trump, who was in Montana just a few weeks ago. "It's a shame, what he did to this man."

The protesters had previously used original means to voice their opposition to the president in the state, protesters filing large letters describing "impeach" and "liar" about the mountains surrounding the city of Missoula during the president's visit on October 18.

Crawford said his main objection to Trump was "his treatment of women and minorities and that of all who disagree with him, he should never be near the White House".

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