Monterey: Aquarium captures a video of hundreds of dolphins hunting off California


Dolphins have refined their accuracy by killing millions of years evolution, the wandering oceans in the pods to channel the fish into their jaws.

This daily ritual usually occurs far from the earth. But this week, something much rarer happened.

Hundreds of common dolphins in a "superpod" cross slate-gray waters off Monterey Bay, California, as they hunted baitfish voraciously.

"It's a very special sight off one of the magical moments of the ocean, often hidden by human observation, but for the dolphins, it's probably another Monday," said Patrick Webster chasing in video.

The dolphins were in several groups and had about a thousand people, Webster told the Washington Post on Saturday.

The aquarium staff members saw a large group this year last year on their back deck. But lovers of the land were close enough this week to get a glimpse, he said.

Pods usually hunt in family or related groups, and usually reach a few dozen or a hundred, according to Webster.

"Groups like thousands of people gather when the race brings them together, like a concert or a Burning Man or the Super Bowl."

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