More preadolescents need HPV vaccines to achieve public health goal


THURSDAY, Oct. 4, 2018 (HealthDay News) – Current rates of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among preadolescents are too low to meet targets set by the American Cancer Society, according to a new study.

The cancer society wants a vaccination rate of 80% among 13-year-olds by 2026. However, according to this new report, 14 million more young people, aged 11 to 12, should be vaccinated over the next eight years to achieve this goal.

Reaching the 80% goal "has the potential to prevent deaths from multiple cancers," said investigators led by Stacey Fedewa, director of American Cancer Risk Screening and Risk Surveillance. Society.

In 2016, nearly 36% of women and almost 32% of men already knew about HPV vaccine at the age of 13. To reach 80% by 2026, the researchers determined that 6.77 million additional girls and 7.62 million additional boys would need to receive two doses of the vaccine.

According to the study, a disproportionate percentage of men, whites and insured teenagers are not up to date regarding HPV vaccination.

HPV accounts for almost all cancers of the cervix, as well as 91% of anus cancers, 70% of throat cancers and 60 to 75% of other genital cancers, the authors explained. of the study.

The sexually transmitted virus resulted in approximately 6,500 cancer deaths in 2014. Nine out of ten vaccines can be prevented by HPV vaccination, the cancer society said.

"In our study, more than 90% of adolescent girls who had not initiated HPV vaccination before their 13th birthday had an 11 to 12 year visit for well-being sessions," Fedewa said. a press release from his organization.

"Most teenagers have probably had the opportunity to be vaccinated during this time, so the reason this does not happen is a crucial one," she said.

Fedewa said previous studies have shown that only about half of parents have been asked to vaccinate their child against HPV.

"The large-scale implementation of the vaccine through innovative strategies to improve physician recommendations, parental acceptance and access to care is necessary to achieve this goal," said the authors. of the study.

The study was published online recently in the journal Cancer.

More information

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have more about HPV vaccination.

SOURCE: American Cancer Society, press release of October 2, 2018

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