More than 1,000 firearms were returned during a gun exchange in Hillsborough County


More than an hour before the scheduled start time of 9 am, citizens began to line up in their vehicles to exchange their old unwanted guns for $ 50 and a voucher for two Tampa tickets Bay Rays. Sheriff Chad Chronister chose to open the event early in the morning at 8 am, collecting more than 100 weapons in the first hour.

"I can not be happier that the community has taken advantage of this program to get rid of their unwanted guns," said Sheriff Chronister, "but the real bonus comes from knowing that one of these weapons will not be used by children. to hurt themselves or that a bad guy will not use one of them to commit another crime. "

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office exchanged arms for firearms, swapped unwanted firearms for $ 50 and a voucher for two tickets for the RADIUS RAYS. (Luis Santana, Times)

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office exchanged arms for firearms, swapped unwanted firearms for $ 50 and a voucher for two tickets for the RADIUS RAYS. (Luis Santana, Times)

Gun instructors Riffi Lester and Hansen of the Hillsborough County Sheriff inspect rifles surrendered by a citizen. (Luis Santana, Times)

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Gun Officers Racki and Hansen handle rifles from a citizen's chest during the gun exchange. (Luis Santana, Times)

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office exchanged weapons for firearms, exchanged unwanted firearms for $ 50 and a two-ticket voucher for the Tampa Bay Rays. (Luis Santana, Times)

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office exchanged weapons for firearms, exchanged unwanted firearms for $ 50 and a two-ticket voucher for the Tampa Bay Rays. (Luis Santana, Times)

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office exchanged weapons for firearms, exchanged unwanted firearms for $ 50 and a two-ticket voucher for the Tampa Bay Rays. (Luis Santana, Times)

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office exchanged weapons for firearms, exchanged unwanted firearms for $ 50 and a two-ticket voucher for the Tampa Bay Rays. (Luis Santana, Times)

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