More than 20,000 Google employees participated in yesterday's mass walkout.


More than 20,000 Google employees and contractors participated in yesterday's global rally to protest the company's handling of sexual harassment charges against senior executives, according to organizers of the protest who published a post in this newspaper. As of September 30, 2018, Google had 94,372 full-time and contract employees worldwide, which means that more than 20% of the entire company participated in the strike. The event was triggered by a survey of The New York Times this revealed how Android co-founder Andy Rubin had received $ 90 million upon his exit from the company after being informed of an allegation of sexual assault against him.

"We have the eyes of many companies watching us," said Tanuja Gupta, a Google employee in New York, according to event organizers, gathered under the Google Walkout name for real change. "We've always been an avant-garde company, so if we do not take the lead, no one else will." According to the organizers, Google employees have participated primarily from US offices of the company, but also in offices I located in Australia and Brazil. , Canada, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, United Kingdom, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland.

In addition to the figure, which was not made public yesterday because the participants were still counted, the walkout organizers say that Google CEO Sundar Pichai agreed to meet them Monday to "consider a plan that answer "to five key requests.

These demands include: the end of forced arbitration in cases of harassment and discrimination; a commitment to "end wage and opportunity inequalities"; a transparency report on sexual harassment publicly disclosed; an "inclusive process" to report sexual misconduct safely and anonymously; and a "commitment to encourage the diversity officer to report directly to the Chief Executive Officer and make recommendations directly to the Board of Directors".

The organizers are also asking Google to appoint an official employee representative on its board. "Google is famous for its culture, but in reality, we do not even meet the basic principles of respect, fairness, and fairness for every single person here," organizer Claire Stapleton said in an article on Wednesday.

Google was not immediately available to comment.

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