More than 31,000 Dallas County residents voted early to date, surpassing the last mid-term elections in 2014 | 2018 Elections


Longer lines than usual were recorded at the state's polling stations. In Dallas County, you can see how long waiting times are on this map.

As of 2:30 pm Monday, the Collin County election administrator said that 23,098 residents had voted. At 3:45 pm, the electoral administrator of Denton County said that 18,988 residents had voted.

On the first day of advance voting in 2014, 240,653 Texans, or 2.68% of registered voters, voted early. Tarrant County had 29,391 people, including 10,312 in Collin and 9,582 in Denton, according to the Texas Secretary of State's website.

the Houston Chronicle reported that nearly 2,000 people had queued early Monday morning at a Houston polling station, where US Senate candidate Beto O. Rourke had come to greet them with a megaphone.

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