More than 80% of Americans are concerned about the threat of antibiotic resistance


ARLINGTON, Virginia – November 12, 2018 – Nearly two-thirds of Americans (65%) believe that antibiotic resistance is a public health problem and a strong majority (81%) are concerned that antibiotic resistance will make it harder to treat and even deadly, according to a national opinion poll commissioned by Research! America in collaboration with the American Society for the Fight against Infectious Diseases (IDSA). The survey was funded in part by Pfizer Inc. According to political majorities, the federal government should increase funding for research and public health initiatives to combat antibiotic resistance, especially 81% of Democrats, 76% Republicans and 70% of independents.

"Americans understand that antibiotic-resistant" superbugs "pose a threat to public health and argue that the continuum of public and private sector research is employed to address this growing health threat. "said Mary Woolley, President and CEO of Research! America. "Americans call for all actors to be confronted with AMR – the government, the private sector, health professionals, hospitals and individuals."

Nearly three quarters (73%) of respondents believe that the federal government should provide incentives to encourage the private sector to invest more in the development of new antibiotics, a consensus of 80% of Republicans, 76% of Democrats and 63% of the independents. About 83% of respondents believe that pharmaceutical companies should develop more antibiotics. The survey found that 92% agree that doctors and other health care professionals should prescribe antibiotics only when needed.

"Antibiotic resistance threatens our ability to safely and effectively provide medical care to many patients, including organ and bone marrow transplants, joint replacements and other complex surgeries, cancer chemotherapy and cancer care. premature, "said IDSA President Cynthia Sears, MD, FIDSA, said. "A multidimensional approach – including responsible management to protect the usefulness of antibiotics, incentives to stimulate the development of new antibiotics and investments in research and public health initiatives – will be needed to reverse the current trend in Antibiotic resistance providers should only prescribe antibiotics when needed.We know that high rates of inappropriate use of antibiotics continue to occur, highlighting the need for for the federal government to take further action to promote the implementation of educational and antibiotic management programs. "

The survey results indicate that more information is needed on the appropriate use of antibiotics. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, such as colds and flu. Yet more than one-third (37%) of respondents incorrectly say that antibiotics are effective in treating viral infections. In addition, about one-third (29%) would be dissatisfied if their doctor did not prescribe an antibiotic for the viral infection of their child. In addition, only 57% of respondents know that even a single antibiotic treatment taken at the wrong time can contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance.

Other results include:

  • Only 61% of respondents say they know that antibiotic-resistant bacteria can be transmitted from one person to another.
  • More than three-quarters (76%) of respondents say they are aware that antibiotic-resistant infections make medical procedures such as surgery, organ transplants and cancer treatment much more dangerous.
  • Only 21% of respondents said that no federal government action on antibiotic research and development was needed at the moment.

The national survey of 1,004 US adults was conducted by Zogby Analytics in October 2018. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points. To view the survey, visit http: // /amrsurvey


About Research! America Surveys

Research! America began ordering surveys in 1992 to understand public support for medical, health and scientific research. The results of Research! America has proved invaluable to our alliance of member organizations and, therefore, to the achievement of our mission of making research to improve health a higher national priority. In response to increasing use and demand, Research! America has expanded its portfolio, which includes state, national and problem polls. http: //

About the search! America

Research! America is the nation's largest national advocacy and non-profit advocacy alliance, which strives to make research to improve health a higher national priority. Founded in 1989, Research! America is supported by member organizations representing 125 million Americans. Visit http: //

The American Society for Infectious Diseases is an association of more than 11,000 physicians, scientists and public health experts specializing in infectious diseases. Our goal is to improve the health of individuals, communities, and society by promoting excellence in patient care, education, research, public health, and prevention. infectious diseases. Visit http: //

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