More than a dozen men who were near the site of September 11th attacks diagnosed with breast cancer


The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, took place almost 17 years ago, but the effects continue to haunt many Americans. More than a dozen men who were near Ground Zero the day and in the following months of the event are now facing another test: breast cancer.

the New York Post revealed in a report released Tuesday that at least 15 men who worked or lived around the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and the following months were diagnosed with breast cancer.

Five of those diagnosed were first responders, including an NYPD sergeant, two city firefighters, a road repairer and a structural ironworker. One was a student at the time of the attacks and others had links with private companies doing business in the area.

It is possible that many others were affected because the data are based solely on the list of clients of the Barasch McGarry law firm, specializing in the handling of 9/11 cases.

Jeff Flynn worked for the Dell EMC data storage company during the attacks. He was assigned to Goldman Sachs on Maiden Lane when planes crashed on the World Trade Center towers less than a kilometer away. He spent months around Ground Zero helping Goldman and other financial services companies.

First responders at Ground Zero have breast cancer

Mario Tama


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In 2011, a decade after the bombings, Flynn noticed that he had a lump in his chest but initially ignored it. He decided to seek medical help and had a biopsy after his wife had noticed that one of her nipples was "inverted".

He finally discovered that he had stage 3 breast cancer. He had to undergo chemotherapy, radiation therapy and reconstructive surgery.

Three years later, he noticed a new neck mass and learned that stage 4 cancer had invaded his lymph nodes. He is now being treated with an anti-cancer drug and hormone injections to prevent his condition.

Flynn said that there was no history of cancer in his family, but there was still breast cancer diagnosed. He thinks his health problems are related to terrorist attacks.

"I think my breast cancer was linked to exposure to 9/11 toxins," he told the radio. New York Post. "I've spent months breathing this shit.You can end up with any cancer to be there."

Flynn retired early because of his health problems. The World Trade Center's health program covered his salary. The September 9th Victims Compensation Fund also granted him six figures.

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