More than two hours of sleep a day could harm children's brain development


Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer of the country, is reviewing the results of this study, which examines the impact of technology on children's health and whether to establish guidelines on time spent in front of a screen healthy. Until now, experts have discussed the lack of clear evidence regarding the impact of time spent in front of a screen.

It comes as the Telegraph campaign calling for a legal duty of care for all social media and online gaming companies, opening them to legal proceedings for breach of standards. Dr. Walsh said more research is needed to examine the potential impact of different online activities.

In the meantime, he urged parents and health officials to consider the maximum two-hour playtime online.

"We found that more than two hours of screen time in children were associated with lower cognitive development. Further research on the links between screen time and cognition is now needed, including the study of the effect of different types of screen time, whether the content is educational or entertaining, that it requires concentration or involves multitasking.

"Based on our findings, pediatricians, parents, educators and policymakers should promote limiting screen time and prioritize healthy sleep patterns throughout childhood and adolescence" , did he declare.

In a related comment, Dr. Eduardo Esteban Bustamante, from the University of Illinois, said the findings suggest that too much screen time could mean that the children's brains have too little time to recover.

"Every minute spent on screens necessarily shifts a minute of sleep or cognitively stimulating activities. In the case of the use of the evening screen, this displacement can also be aggravated by an impaired quality of sleep, "he said.

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