Morgan Piers is mocked by Daniel Craig for carrying his own child


Piers Morgan, a British TV personality, saw a photo of Daniel Craig carrying his young daughter and decided to make fun of him. Her tweet included a picture of the James Bond star carrying her baby in a baby carrier and included the hashtag #emasculatedBond and the word #papoose, a suitable term for a child carrier.

Twitter immediately called on his feelings about masculinity. Fathers from around the world sent him photos of themselves carrying their children.

"There is nothing more masculine than a father who plays an active role in the education and care of his child" another user wrote. "It's about time that the media are celebrating this, I mean, you can not always blame right on the lack of family values?"

Morgan doubled, however. In a series of tweets, he claims that he has no qualms about taking care of children or even wearing them on the occasion he has a problem with men carrying a baby carrier, although they slightly ease the holding of a twisting baby, make her baby more comfortable, make it much more difficult for a child to fall accidentally and allow in the whole process to last longer. He finds that wearing clothes is a woman's job, apparently.

Then, in a crossover event, Captain America Star Chris Evans went on to defend Craig, pointing out that Morgan must be "unsure" of his own masculinity to worry about "the way another man is carrying his child".

Morgan is mocked in response"Captain America would not wear a loincloth." Morgan found an exception to his baby wearing rule, though noting that UFC fighters could do what they wanted – but he made the exception only for "l". self-preservation. "

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