Morning Spin: Rauner, Pritzker


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An inspector general's report on tax breaks for the Democratic governor candidate J.B. Pritzker's Gold Coast and its decision to repay the money for the final Chicago final broadcast of the campaign on Wednesday.

The hourlong debate will be live at 6 pm on ABC-7 and will stream live on the station's website. It's co-sponsored by Univision Chicago and the League of Women's Voters of Illinois Education Fund.

Sept. 20, the Wednesday forum will feature only Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Pritzker.

Libertarian candidate Grayson "Kash" Jackson and Republican state Sen. Sam McCann of Plainview, running as the Conservative Party candidate, each failed to receive 10 percent of the vote in independent polls and was not invited to participate. (Rick Pearson)

What's on tap

*Mayor Rahm Emanuel's schedule was not available.

*Gov. Rauner will debate J.B. Pritzker.

*Democratic Congressional candidate Sean Casten will appear at the Sierra Club offices for a campaign event.

From the notebook

* Rauner getting anti-McCann assist: The Economic Freedom Alliance, an independent expenditure committee with the Illinois Manufacturers Association, reported $ 1 million in advertising against McCann.

$ 2 million from the IMA. Michael Madigan, Rauner's chief political nemesis.

McCann is seeking to exploit Rauner's weakness among core GOP social conservatives over the governor's support of expanding laws, abortion, immigration and transgender rights.

McCann responded by calling them "false and cowardly."

"We have seen this tired old move time and time again," he said. "When Rauner is in a corner, he shouts 'Madigan!'" (Rick Pearson)

* Longtime Democratic activist McCombs dies: Shirley McCombs, an institution in state Democratic Party politics, died Monday at the age of 81, the Democratic County Chairs' Association said.

McCombs was a long time party official and served as its secretary since 1994. She was elected to the Senate of the United States, and was elected president of the United States. 1996 convention in Chicago where she served as an assistant whip.

In state government, she spent more than a decade in the tax office beginning in 1983 when Michael Madigan became House speaker. That came after working in the announcer's office in 1975 under Democrat William Redmond of Bensenville.

"Shirley was an irreplaceable force when it comes to passion and dedication to the Democratic Party," said Doug House, who heads the state county chairs group.

And Madigan and his wife, Shirley Madigan, said in a statement that "we do not have a lot of progress in our efforts to advance the goals of the Illinois Democrats."

"She was a total activist in every possible way," they said. "She was a model for all. She showed an unquestionable ability to make every call, knock on every door, post every yard sign and leave no task.

Arrangements were pending. (Rick Pearson)

* AG candidate Harold uses new ad to appeal to women: Republican attorney general candidate Erika Harold is out with a new ad, seeking to appeal to women motivated by the #MeToo movement.

"When I was in high school, #MeToo was not a slogan. It was my reality, "the Urbana attorney says in the ad.

"I overcame bullying and sexual harassment with my parents' support. But too many women and children alone – unseen or ignored by those in power, "she says.

Harold is facing Democratic State Sen. Kwame Raoul for the post being vacated by longtime Attorney General Lisa Madigan. (Rick Pearson)

* Senate GOP busts caps: Senate Republican leader Bill Brady of Bloomington gave a $ 100,001 loan to his campaign committee, opening the door to receiving unlimited-size contributions.

Brady could transfer money to Republican senators and candidates. $ 354,500 in donations of more than $ 1,000 through the end of September.

Brady also chairs the Republican State Senate Campaign Committee fund. Neither of the two funds from Rauner, who has given to House Republican campaign efforts. (Rick Pearson)

* Big money for Casten: Casten, locked in a tight race with U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam in the suburban 6th Congressional District, raised $ 2.6 million in the third quarter, according to his campaign.

Roskam's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for third quarter numbers. The fundraising period ended Sunday.

The 6th Congressional District has been a fundraising battle for months. Both the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Congressional Leadership Fund, backed by Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, contributor to the third quarter of the world. (Patrick M. O'Connell)

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