Morris and Saban on the SEC's Coaches Teleconference Book


The Arkansas Razorbacks and Alabama Crimson Tide will be competing this Saturday, Oct. 6 at the Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Prior to the match, the head coaches of both teams spoke to the media at the SEC's weekly coaching teleconference Wednesday morning. From Alabama Nick Saban spoke first, followed by Arkansas Chad Morris about 20 minutes later.

The following are the live updates from the SEC teleconference:


Declaration of opening …

"We had a big defeat last Saturday in Dallas (Tex.) We showed a lot of improvements but not enough to overcome some of the consistency … We can not wait to get back to our fans and the opportunity that we have. "Morris said.

On having Randy Ross on the staff …

"First of all, Randy is just a phenomenal person … There were a lot of links when I left Clemson and SMU with Randy and that he was in Alabama with Dabo (Swinney). .. Just know that he … I needed someone who was very experienced … He was always my right arm, "Morris said.

On the status of Jeremy Patton and CJ O 'Grady

"For the moment, with Jeremy, we may be in a few weeks … We hope that CJ will be back today … at full speed, we are excited about his progress … Clearly (Austin) Cantrell and Grayson Gunter so, "said Morris.

On if Britto Tutt is ready to play …

"We think so, we will continue to work on it today." We felt good yesterday after practice, which was a positive sign for us, "Morris said.

Sure John Chavis& # 39; Experience Against Alabama …

"Well, I think first and foremost that Coach Chavis is playing for the 30th year in a row in Alabama, I think it's remarkable … He brought a lot of experience and of knowledge to our players and staff … Its impact … is very strongly felt right now, "said Morris.

"When you go look at his track record … it's not surprising … bring these guys to play at a high level … I think they'll continue to improve … from that side of the ball, "Morris said.

In first year in Alabama Jaylen Waddle

"You know, it's electric … and all their match back … as I've mentioned throughout the week, I have not found any abnormalities." Just his ability to take the balloon and an average of nearly 40 meters on returns … it's dynamic, "Morris said.

Where his team has progressed the most …

"Well, I think when you look in all areas, our defense obviously improved … If you asked me to pick one, that's our defense at the present time, "Morris said.

On the impact of the new kick / wrestling return rule …

"I think you are watching … teams, Alabama has not been trapped all year long.You have kickers who can take the ball out of the box. 39, back of the end zone … You see teams … who may have difficulty with some depth … this gives you an opportunity to fall behind and start on the 25-meter line, "he said. Morris.

Nick Saban

Declaration of opening …

"We have a lot of respect for Arkansas, they have really improved over the years and their team is improving a lot and we need to be ready to go," said Saban.

On LSU / Georgia in 2003 …

"It was a tough game, they (Georgia) had a very good team, we went all the way … We have a lot of respect for this program … we certainly had it at that time "… helped our team win the SEC that year," said Saban.

On the career of John Chavis and his work in Arkansas …

"I think he's done a great job, they've been playing better and better … John has been in the league for a very long time, and I think that wherever he's been a defensive coordinator, they're creating a lot of problems for you … they look like a defense team completely different from what it was earlier in the season, "said Saban.

Playing continuously at a high level …

"I think that if you have good players, you have to make sure that they manage to exploit their full potential … Set a standard … Try to get them to meet that standard … C & # 39; is a challenge .. .We try to keep everyone excited about playing, through practice, "said Saban.

At the offense of Arkansas …

"Well, I think they've improved … I think it's one of the most improved teams since the start of the season up to now …" I think Ty (floor) does a great job (…). They really started playing well, "said Saban.

To motivate players every week …

"The challenge for us is not what's happening in the past, but what's going on this week and the week after … Try to keep our players focused on what they need to play at a level High … It's a challenge that we embrace and look forward to … This is what we owe to our players, "Saban said.

On the offensive tackling status Jonah Williams

"He's going to train today … We think he'll be able to play in the game … it's probably a small question mark for the moment "said Saban.

"Well, I think he's played very well and I think he's one of the best players in his position … I think he's a smart player. .. I think he's playing more and more physically, he's always been very athletic, "Saban said.

To have strong leaders in all the team …

"I think it's the most important thing you can have, something coming from your peers can have a much bigger impact than something coming from your coach … It's important that leaders get their bearings." "Engage … If you have a good leader in every group that challenges each group, it's also really beneficial," Saban said.

"I think our players are doing a good job in this area, they are very supportive of other players … the experience they get and what they can learn … are the most beneficial for all of us, "says Saban.

On the impact of Dan Enos

"I think Dan did a really good job with our guys, I think the most important thing is the preparation … Whatever game you play, whatever the call, the quarterbacks have a very accurate reading … You get the ball in the right place at the right time … I think Dan helped them to understand exactly what each game expected, "said Saban.

"I've known him since college when he was a player He's always been a very brilliant guy … We've always been challenged by the system, the ploy and what they did (like OC in Arkansas ", Saban said.

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