Mortality rates for skin cancer among men in developed countries have increased dramatically in the last 30 years


Compared to women, men are less likely to protect themselves from the sun or listen to public health warnings. The data showed that in eight of the 18 countries examined, the mortality rate for skin cancer among men had increased sharply. ( pixabay )

Mortality rates for skin cancer are rising among men in developing countries. Such problems can result from exposure to UV rays from the sun or from artificial sources such as tanning beds.

Mortality by skin cancer in men

At a medical conference in Glasgow last Sunday, researchers presented data on skin cancer mortality rates in 18 developing countries, noting in particular how women's mortality rates are rising more slowly, or even down compared to men's rates.

In particular, researchers note that in eight of the countries, skin cancer mortality rates for at least men have doubled in the last 30 years. For example, skin cancer mortality rates in Croatia and Ireland have roughly doubled, while Spain and Great Britain have recorded a 70% increase, the Netherlands 60% and France and Belgium by 50%.

That said, the countries with the highest mortality rates are not necessarily the ones with the largest increase. For example, Australia has one of the highest mortality and skin cancer rates in the world, with six out of every 100,000 men having succumbed to the disease from 2013 to 2015, but the rate of Skin cancer mortality has only increased by 10% compared to 30 years ago. .

What could have caused the increase?

Differences in skin cancer mortality rates among men and women are not entirely clear, but evidence suggests that men are less likely to protect themselves from the sun than men. the women. That said, researchers are studying genetic or biological factors potentially associated with skin cancer, but the results are not yet conclusive.

In the United States, which was not included in the study, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that mortality from skin cancer in men has increased by 25%. In addition, CDC data also showed that more than 90% of melanoma cancers are caused by cellular damage resulting from sun exposure, as well as by other sources of UV radiation such as tanning beds.

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