Mosquitoes in the Highland Park Area Have Been Positive to West Nile Virus


The first indication of the presence of West Nile virus in Lake County this year was found in a mosquito pool sampled at Highland Park last month

. positive June 28 for the virus, which can be serious if it is contracted by people, especially the sick and the elderly.

Since 2002, there have been 64 confirmed human cases of West Nile virus in Lake County, two of which have been confirmed, according to the Department of Health.

"In 2017, six human cases of West Nile virus were confirmed in Lake County," said Mark Pfister, Executive Director of the Department of Health. "Residents must act, practicing the" D "of the defense to protect themselves from mosquito bites."

NO MORE COVERAGE: Mosquitoes thrive in this hot, humid weather – who to call when they move en masse "

Pfister refers to drainage, defense, dawn and dusk, and dresses up: The ministry recommends that residents drain stagnant water areas around their homes. houses, courses and businesses; to defend oneself by wearing an anti-mosquito; be particularly vigilant at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active; and wear long sleeves and long pants on the outside to cover the skin.

The authorities stated that the county was entering the period of the year when the risk of West Nile became the most serious. The Nile virus is more abundant in the middle and at the end of summer, when the weather is hot, "said Michael Adam, senior biologist at the Department of Health. "Residents can help prevent these mosquitoes from reproducing by eliminating stagnant water from their properties."

Adams added that these areas may include buckets, gutters and containers of plants, ponds for children and other items, which can become a breeding site

The Department of Health's mosquito surveillance program coordinates the results of mosquito trapping throughout Lake County. Mosquitoes are tested weekly for West Nile virus.

The program also monitors reports of dead birds, which are an early sign of the presence of the virus, and studies areas of stagnant water for the presence of mosquito larvae. mosquito, which is the main carrier of West Nile in Illinois.

In 2017, 104 pools or lots of mosquitoes and one bird were tested positive for West Nile virus, according to the Department of Health. The Nile virus has no symptoms of illness, some can even get sick three to fifteen days after the bite of an infected mosquito.

Common symptoms include fever, nausea, headache and muscle aches. In some people, a serious illness, including meningitis or encephalitis, or even death, can occur. People over 50 and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of contracting West Nile virus.

More prevention tips and information on West Nile virus are available on

the Nile Health Ministry's hotline at 47-377 -8300 to report stagnant water areas, report dead bird locations and get more information about the signs and symptoms of West Nile virus.

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