Moth filmed drinking tears from the eye of a bird


What you are about to see are images of a butterfly drinking tears from a bird's eye.

And no, it's not an excerpt from a low budget horror movie.

Instead, the incredible video was taken by environmentalist Leandro Moraes, who spotted the insect sipping tears while working in the central Amazon.

The incredible video was taken by the ecologist Leandro Moraes, who saw the insect sipping tears while working in the central Amazon (Photo: Leandro Moraes)

In images shot in November of last year, ringworm is observed on the head of the black-chinned shrub.

However, looking closer, it becomes clear that the insect is probing one of the bird's eyes.

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In short, he drank the tears of the bird.

According to Ecology, which released the video this month, although the clip is disturbing, the event is actually pretty normal.

Moths often choose to drink the tears of sleeping birds "as an additional method to obtain nutrients, mainly sodium and protein."

We are not screaming, you are (Photo: Leandro Moraes)

However, very few have managed to capture the film event.

Speaking of video in a study, Moraes said, "Birds being stripped of vertebrates is a rarely documented event, with only two records known from Madagascar and Colombia."

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