Mother of a missing boy suffering from autism cries in favor of his return


Carrie Ritch just wants to restrain her son.

On Tuesday, the mother of Maddox Ritch – the 6-year-old boy who disappeared from a North Carolina park over the weekend – attended a press conference where she asked for help to find his child.

"I just want my baby to come home, please," Carrie said. "Whatever you can do. Maddox is my whole world and my reason for living. He is the mom's boy. "

"I want my baby in my arms," ​​she added.

Maddox, who suffers from autism and limited verbal skills, was walking with his father and another adult to Gastonia's Rankin Lake Park around 1:30 pm. local time Saturday when he took off. Maddox has not been seen since and over a dozen law enforcement agencies and have been researching for several days to find the little boy.

"If you were at the park on Saturday and you saw Maddox, please, please, call the line of advice, please," Carrie said Tuesday. "Maddox loves the park. He loves inflatable balls and he loves his teddy bear. His smile is so contagious and his laugh so precious. If you think you have seen Maddox, please contact the police.

Maddox Ritch

Maddox Ritch

Courtesy Ian Ritch

RELATED: Massive research underway for a six-year-old boy with autism who has disappeared from North Carolina Park

A $ 10,000 reward is offered for the recovery of Maddox.

The boy is 4'0 "and was last seen with an orange t-shirt that reads" I am the man "with black shorts. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also helps with research, and officials wrote on the site that Maddox may need medical attention.

In a Facebook post on Monday, Carrie wrote that the authorities are doing everything possible to find her son.

"My main goal is to bring him home," she said. "Thank you all for your love and support. I am completely sorry. I need him at home. I want it in my arms. I want to see her smile and hear her precious laugh. I know God is with him to protect him.

RELATED: The father "broken" while the search continues for his 6 year old son, autistic disappeared from the park

Ian (left) and Maddox Ritch

Ian (left) and Maddox Ritch

Courtesy Ian Ritch

Meanwhile, Maddox's father, Ian Ritch, told PEOPLE on Tuesday that he was defeated by guilt, wanting to do things differently.

"These past few days have been a hell for me. I am so broken. I'm sorry, "said Ian, 42, of Concord. "Every time it gets dark, I burst into tears because I think, 'My little boy is alone there.' [the search is] go harder because I'm so worried. He has nothing to eat or drink.

Ian explained that he and his friend were walking with Maddox near the lake when the mischievous boy went running behind a jogger. It's common for Maddox to run, so Ian allowed the boy to run for fun. But when Maddox started running faster, Ian said he had taken off after him and was not able to catch up with his son before losing sight of the boy.

"I was terrified, I did not know in which direction he was going, so I looked as hard as I could, I went in different ways and everything," said the father in mourning. I tried to find him, I do not know where he went in. In general, when he takes off, he slows down and stops for me to catch up, this time he never stopped.

Maddox Ritch

Park staff helped Ian search the area before calling the police. Carrie was "hysterical" when he told her the news over the phone, he said.

Ian and Carrie both cooperate with the police in the investigation, have confirmed to the people the city officials.

FBI officials in Charlotte also joined the search, and an agent, Jason Kaplan, said at a weekend press conference that the authorities were trying to determine whether Maddox had been kidnapped or simply lost.

"I thought he was lost in the woods, now I'm not sure," Ian told People. "They searched for days and found nothing. I start to worry. It's been too long. They had so much research and rescue [teams] that they should have found it now.

Anyone with information about Ian's whereabouts is asked to call the police line at 704-869-1075.

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