Mother of the Navy man disappeared: "We must find my child"


The mother of a Marine Corpsman hopes that her missing son is still alive after his disappearance after a night in town with some friends of Marine, taking part in a state fair and taking a drink in a popular bar, ABC News learned.

Sailor Shaun Palmer, 24, posted to the Marine Corps Base in Hawaii, was last seen at Kelley O Neil around 4 am Sunday. He ordered and then canceled two carpool vans on his cell phone – and has not been heard since.

"I pray that he is really very sick or maybe he's been beaten and that his phone breaks down and that he's suffering but safely," said his mother, Diane, at ABC News.

Diane said she would travel to Hawaii on Wednesday and hope to inspire a massive search to hunt down her one and only child.

"We have to send research teams to Hawaii," she said. "What are we waiting for? We must find my child!"

A statement provided by a spokesman for the Hawaii-based Marine Corps confirmed that a search is being conducted to locate the missing sailor, whose case is currently classified as an "absence." unauthorized ".

"The command of the sailor Palmer coordinates with the NCIS and the local authorities to find the missing sailor, the safety of our sailors and our Marines is our main concern and we hope and pray for his safe return."

Palmer is a Corpsman assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, according to a separate statement.

His mother said that while his son was not under a strict curfew to be back at the base Sunday night, ABC News learned that he was supposed to be at a post of rescue at 8 o'clock in the morning.

When he was away, Diane said that she then received a phone call around 4 am on Monday morning by soldiers who identified themselves as members of the Naval Crime Investigations Service.

"They wanted to know if I had heard of him," said the mother, who said she has not slept since the phone call. "But Shaun had already been missing for 24 hours."

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