Mother who delayed cancer treatment to give birth to her baby dies at 29


A woman who has already decided to refuse medical treatment against cancer while she was pregnant with her daughter died.

Gemma Nuttall, 29, of the United Kingdom, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2014 while she was 16 weeks pregnant, according to a GoFundMe report created by her mother, Helen Sproates. While the doctors offered Nuttall the opportunity to terminate her pregnancy to remove the tumor, she chose to refuse surgery and postpone chemotherapy until she gave birth.

Nuttall's tumor grew as pregnancy progressed, and at 36 weeks gestation in March 2014, doctors decided to cut her off and perform a caesarean section to give birth to her daughter Penelope, according to the GoFundMe.

"They prevented her from sleeping so that she could see her beautiful but little girl, Penelope, come into the world," wrote Sproates on the donation page, "Only to fall asleep and get to get rid of cancer. "

While Penelope spent the next weeks recovering in the intensive care unit, Nuttall underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Another analysis revealed that she had developed cervical cancer, according to the page. The doctors were able to remove the tumor and Nuttall remained cancer free for two years until April 2016, when she was diagnosed with brain and lung cancer.

Gemma Nuttall and her daughter Penelope

Gemma Nuttall and her daughter Penelope

S Meddle / ITV / REX / Shutterstock

With this latest diagnosis, the family launched its GoFundMe campaign to urge Nuttall to take an experimental cancer treatment to save his life. Actress Kate Winslet stepped in to help provide funds.

"Let's really do our best to keep her alive for her 3-year-old daughter Penelope, who loves and needs her mom so much," wrote Winslet – whose own mother was diagnosed with cancer – in a message included in the campaign message. page. "Perhaps we could save her life with these desperately needed funds for this essential treatment. So, spread the word! Let everyone know everyone, and please, keep the words of support coming and the incredibly generous donations to come. "

Winslet then recruited Titanic Leonardo DiCaprio will help raise funds for the cause by auctioning three dinners with "Jack and Rose", which raised $ 1.35 million in early 2018 (donations were split between the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and Nuttall's efforts).

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Reviews done earlier this year showed that Nuttall had no cancer after immunotherapy, but she was admitted to the hospital in mid-2018 and doctors discovered that cancer had progressed to # 39 to the spine. Two months later, this was spreading – again – in his brain and lungs.

Sproates announced the death of his daughter on October 14th.

"It is with a broken heart that I must tell you all that my beautiful warrior lost her battle early this morning," she wrote on the GoFundMe page. "We fought so hard, but we could not do it anymore, I'm a very proud mom but devastated now, Sleep well, Gemma – My world will never be the same again."

Nuttall leaves behind Penelope, who is now 4 years old.

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According to Lancashire Telegraph, the family will continue to honor Nuttall's legacy through the Gemma Rose Foundation – the "Rose" tribute to Winslet's character in Titanic.

"My heart is only with Helen, Penelope and the whole family in this tragically sad time. Gemma was such a beacon of strength and led this incredibly difficult battle with grace and dignity throughout, "said Winslet in a statement. Rossendale Free Press.

"My heart breaks for her mother, Helen, and her daughter Penelope. They lost a wonderful mother and daughter.

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