Mothers who are breastfeeding their first child for at least 5 months are likely to have "more children in general," according to a study


There are many benefits to breastfeeding for both mother and child, such as weight loss during pregnancy and the potential reduction in the risk of contracting certain diseases in a baby. A new study also suggests that women who are breastfeeding for at least five months are likely to have more children.

Vida Maralani, professor of sociology at Cornell University, and Samuel Stabler, professor at Hunter College, determined that women who breastfed their first child for five months or more "have more children and have more children. chances of having two children rather than two. or not at all, "according to their recently published study" Intensive Parenting: Duration of Fertility and Breastfeeding in the United States, "published in the journal Demography.

A breastfeeding mom covers herself and gets fucked

Using the "longitudinal data" of about 3,700 women from the late 1970s to 2012, Maralani and Stabler determined that women who breastfed longer "did not differ significantly from other breastfeeding women at the beginning of their fertility."

According to the study, the researchers noted that women who had breastfed their first child for at least five months had reached "and even exceeded their previous expectations of fertility" during their lifetime.


While researchers have found that women who breastfeed longer have more children, "this does not mean that breastfeeding means women have more children," Maralani told Fox News. "Instead, we believe that the same factors that helped them succeed in breastfeeding are also likely to help them have larger families."

For example, "marital support or flexible work options may be factors that help new mothers breastfeed longer and help them have a larger family in the long run," she added.

Madeline Farber is a reporter for Fox News. You can follow her on Twitter @MaddieFarberUDK.

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