Mrs. America Co-Founder Accused Of Making Racist Remarks, Using Slur


The co-founder of the Mrs. This beauty has been challenged by the fact that it is one of the most contentious issues in the world, and that it is one of the world's leading drug users and "drug dealers" and "black women need to stop having babies with four baby daddies."

At a Monday news conference, oven 2018 Mrs. America challenged David Marmel, the pageant's executive director, of the presidential pageant in Las Vegas last year.

The contestants, who were accompanied by prominent women's rights lawyer Gloria Allred, said Marmel had approached a group of four African-American women at the event of his career, including involvement in the American Black Achievement Awards TV show.

During that conversation, Marmel used the n-word at least twice, the women said. The NBC News reported, "Who's Who Describing the Owners of Ebony Magazine, Who Marmel?" quoting the contestants.

The women alleged that Marmel said it was fine for him to "brother," NBC said.

Brandy Palacios, the current Mrs. Missouri, asked for Marmel then put his arm in her "in order to compare skin color."

Marmel used the racial slur again when he recounted his time as a baseball player in the 1950s and saw signs belittling Jews and African-Americans in the crowd.

Marmel, who is Jewish, most of the women's statements "ugly," "false" and taken out of context. However, he confirmed that he had used the slur to describe one of these disparaging signs.

"For them to twist that into something that is disgusting and says something about them," he told The Guardian.

According to the women, Marmel said in the same conversation that "they need to stop having sex with each other."

Crissy Timpson, the current Mrs. New Jersey, said the Las Vegas Marmel make such racially insensitive comments.

Timpson has had a conversation with Marmel a few days ago in which he'd be lambasted Colin Kaepernick, the trainer NFL player who knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality, as an "asshole who … needs to stop disrespecting my flag. "

When Timpson countered that she did not think Kaepernick was disrespecting the flag, "David changed the subject and said, 'Well, you people need to stop killing each other, we need people to bring up the black community,'" she recalled, according to The Guardian.

"He told me that you are pregnant with a baby, you are pregnant with a baby, you are pregnant with a baby, you are a drug dealer, incarcerated, in jail, you are on welfare and killing each other," she continued.

Marmel called Timpson's allegations "bullshit."

The four contestants in this year's Mrs. America's pageant surround lawyer Gloria Allred, center. Kimberly Phillips, left

The Guardian via AP

The four contestants in this year's Mrs. America's pageant surround lawyer Gloria Allred, center. Kimberly Phillips, left, Crissy Timpson, Brandy Palacios, and Jeri Ward have accused the pageant's director of making racially insensitive and demeaning remarks.

Allred, the women's rights attorney, said on Monday that the four contestants – Timpson, Palacios, Phillips Kimberly and Jeri Ward – had "no plans" to file a lawsuit.

Instead, the women are seeking an apology from Marmel and wanting him to be affected by racial bias and stereotypes.

"[The four women] They said, "They're going to have their experience because they do not want next year's contenders," said Allred, according to The Associated Press.

Marmel told NBC News on Monday that he had a conversation with the contestants about the pre-pageant event last year but that his statements had been "wrongly characterized."

He will neither apologize nor undergo racial sensitivity training.

"Based on my career and what I've done for the African American community, does it sound like I need sensitivity training?" He told The Guardian.

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