MSU teacher wants cock shots for a scientific study


Everything is in the name of science.

But at first, the query seems really strange.

Alicia Walker, an assistant professor of sociology at Missouri State University, asks people to send pictures of their penises for a scientific study, according to The Springfield News-Leader. The research is supposed to examine the relationship between the size of a man's men and his mental health, sexual activity and self-image, among other things.

But these are not your usual penis shots, said Walker at the Springfield News-Leader.

"These are not sexy pictures," she said. "These are clinical images."

According to the research research portal, Walker looks for nude images of men over the age of 22. She wants men to measure the circumference and length of their penis when she is both straight and flaccid – and send pictures of "your penis with the measuring device."

She offered specific instructions to interested participants so that they can accurately record the width and length of their soldiers.

(In case you're wondering, the average length of an erect penis is just under 5.2 inches, according to a study from King's College London in 2015. Other studies found similar results.)

Walker told The College Fix that she hopes to record data from at least 3,600 topics – but that people she has already studied have offered some interesting results.

"The men I've talked to here are in great distress because of the way we see the size of the penis at the present time," she wrote in a statement. e-mail at the point of sale. willingness to even try to approach potential sexual partners, and even go to the doctor for a physical examination.

"Their physical health is actually affected by what they feel about their penis.This is not a frivolous study."

In the quest to receive penis images, Walker announced the study on subreddit "Small Dick Problems".

A user on the subreddit asked why the study would require images in the first one.

"It's because we are asking for specific measurements of length and girth," replied Walker, "and to ensure data validity and uniform measurement, we must make sure that all participants are using the correct method of bone compression. "

The bone press method is to measure your penis from the bone at the base of your pelvis to the tip.

There is also an interview portion of the study that does not involve sending photos, Walker writes on the subreddit.

Walker added that all types of people with a penis – including intersex, genderqueer and transgender people – are invited to participate, according to The College Fix. "There are many people who could contribute to the study," she writes, "who were not [Assigned Male At Birth] where [do] not identify as a man. "

In a statement to The Springfield News-Leader, the State of Missouri wrote that "academic freedom is an essential component of a liberal arts university" – and Walker's study has been authorized. He does not receive funding from the government or the university.

Walker lamented that some people make fun of her study, even though she says the issue has serious consequences for men.

"Many men carry a secret anxiety," she told Springfield's head of news, "because of the size of their penis."

"It's serious," she added. "Some of them have actually tried to commit suicide."

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