Mueller accuses opponents of offering women money to make ‘false claims’ about him


Special counsel Robert Mueller has referred to the FBI allegations that women were “offered money” to make “false claims” about him, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Spokesman Peter Carr released this statement to CNBC:

When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation.

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as possible coordination between the Kremlin and President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Jack Burkman, a conservative commentator who claims to be a registered lobbyist, said in a tweet Tuesday that “we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sex assault victims” on Thursday.

Burkman has frequently called on Trump to fire Mueller, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself from interfering in the probe.

He even offered a $25,000 reward to any whistleblower who could offer concrete evidence of FBI wrongdoing in those investigations, The Washington Times reported in February.

The special counsel’s office confirmed to CNBC that it learned about the “scheme” from journalists who had been approached by a woman alleging that she had been offered $20,000 by Burkman “to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller.”

Watch: Robert Mueller’s investigation could turn a profit for taxpayers

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