Mueller seeks immunity for five witnesses against Manafort


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                  Robert Mueller's special attorneys did not identify potential witnesses publicly, but said that they had indicated that they were going to invoke their Fifth Amendment against oneself.Brendan Smialowski / AFP / Getty Images </p>
<p>  The team of Special Adviser Robert Mueller asks a federal judge to grant the "freeze." immunity to five witnesses who may be called to testify at the next trial of Paul Manafort on </p>
<p>  Mueller's attorneys did not publicly identify potential witnesses, but said that they had indicated that They would invoke their Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination, unless they were immune [19659005] History followed below </p>
<p>  "The five persons identified in the motions in question are tier those parties who were not charged in this case, and who were not identified publicly with the case, "prosecutors wrote. "The release of the motions would reveal the participation of these persons in the investigation and the trial, which could lead to unjustified harassment. Such revelation could be reinforced by the additional revelation that they invoked their privilege against self-incrimination and may benefit from immunity against the use against them of any forced testimony. "</p>
<p>  It is unclear who the witnesses are, but familiar with Manafort's finances and his spending patterns on oriental rugs, expensive suits and home renovations should be among those called by the prosecution. [19659004] Witness identities and their immunities will become public if they are called, but prosecutors' <u> new petition </u> filed Tuesday, asked US District Court Judge TS Ellis III to keep details under wraps in case some or all individuals are not called. </p>
<p>  Manafort must be tried in federal court in Alexandria, Va., next Wednesday. The large-scale showdown would be the first trial of Mueller's team, but there is still uncertainty as to when and where it will go from front. </p>
<p>  Manafort's defense asks Ellis to move the lawsuit to Roan oke and delay it.The trial of Manafort is expected to take place in Washington in September. Ellis was to address these issues this week, but has postponed his arguments on this topic next Monday, just 48 hours before jury selection begins in the Alexandria case. </p>
<p>  Ellis seems to have postponed all the business he had planned this week in various cases. Before the deadline, he had appeared eager to obtain the Manafort trial next week, with prospective jurors expected to be summoned to court on Tuesday to fill out questionnaires. But the final version of this questionnaire is one of the issues on which the parties do not agree and should not be heard by the judge until Monday morning. </p>
<p>  Manafort trial in Washington, which includes money laundering charges The mandate of a foreign agent as part of its lobbying activities in Ukraine is currently scheduled for September 17. </p>
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