Muji and Sensible 4 collaborate to create a user-friendly autonomous shuttle


Autonomous shuttles are not new, but their design was previously focused on functionality rather than form. Today, the Japanese brand Muji is associated with the Sensible 4 autonomous driving company to design a more user-friendly shuttle to be used in Finland.

sensitive muji4 shuttle bus
Shuttle gacha Sensitive 4

The bus, known as Gacha, has a smooth, rounded shape and an elegant color scheme, as you might expect from the obsessed Muji brand. The shuttle can not move easily in both directions. A strip of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) surrounding the outside of the shuttle forms the headlights and transmits information such as the destination of the bus. It is designed to be friendly and welcoming with a comfortable interior that looks as beautiful as the outside, with minimalist blue seating and simple handrails.

The shuttle is designed for the harsh conditions of the Finnish winter, including heavy rain, fog and snow. Most autonomous vehicles struggle under these conditions, which is why they are most often used in hot climates. But the Gacha has been designed with these challenges in mind, making it the first standalone all-weather shuttle bus. The bus can carry ten seated passengers and six passengers standing and reach a maximum speed of 25 miles per hour. It has a four-wheel drive design to deal with slush and has a range of over 100 km.

While Muji contributed to the appearance and design of the shuttle, Sensible 4 contributed to the tools needed for self-driving, such as obstacle detection technology, AI and algorithms. They tested the bus in arctic conditions to make sure it would withstand the icy cold of Finland.

The first time the public will see the bus in person, it will be to his prime minister in March 2019 in Helsinki. The buses will then be deployed in the three Finnish cities of Espoo, Vantaa and Hämeenlinna, carrying passengers and operating in real traffic conditions. Ultimately, Sensible 4 and Muji plan to deploy an entire fleet of Gacha buses in 2020, in the hope that they can become part of the public transport services across Finland.

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