Multivitamins do not prevent heart attacks: study


A new study has shown that taking multivitamins and mineral supplements does not prevent heart attacks, cardiovascular death and strokes. Scientists report that they have meticulously evaluated the overall scientific evidence and found no clinical benefit from multivitamins and the use of minerals to prevent heart attacks or death or death. stroke. A meta-analysis was conducted to collect the results of 18 individual studies previously published. Randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies were conducted on more than 2 million participants followed on average for 12 years. Published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, the study found no association or complete link between multivitamins and mineral supplements and cardiovascular disease. PTI reports that scientists believe that it has been exceptionally difficult to convince people that multivitamins and mineral supplements do not prevent cardiovascular disease.


Multivitamins Do not Prevent the Risks of Heart Disease
Photo Credit: iStock

They now hope that the study results help reduce the hype around multivitamins and mineral supplements. encouraging people to use other means to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death: regular exercise, healthy eating, prevention of tobacco and alcohol, etc.

Health has been a controversial topic for years, despite the fact that many well-conducted studies have indicated that multivitamins and minerals do not help. For this study too, the researchers combined the results of previous scientific studies to conclude more established results.

That said, it should be noted that multivitamins are not harmful to the body, if they are consumed in moderation. But despite the intake of multivitamins, people must protect their heart health. Everyone must know their individual risk of heart disease and stroke and take preventative measures accordingly.

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Here are some steps you can take to give a boost to the health of your heart:

1. Get your medical exams on time. Heart health is determined by your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, etc. Know your numbers and be aware of your health at all times.

2. Include physical exercise in your diet and maintain a healthy weight. Staying physically fit with a minimum of 30 minutes of workout each day is essential for a healthy heart. Overweight can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Concentrate on burning more calories than you consume for weight loss.


Exercise is regularly very important for cardiovascular health
Photo credit: iStock

3. Quit Smoking There is no if and where to stop smoking Smoking is one of the most dangerous activities for heart health. Abuse of alcohol is not only bad for heart health, but can also lead to weight gain and many other health problems

Read also: Heart Attacks: Luke Coutinho explains how to prevent sudden attacks and heart attacks

4. Take less stress and participate in activities you really enjoy: Taking too much stress can be detrimental to the health of your heart, so it is important to do things that provide you with light and serenity.


Smoking can increase the risk of heart disease
Photo credit: iStock

5. Drink more water and eat healthy. Drinking more water is important for hydration. And what you eat is going to be a determining factor in your heart health. Avoid eating processed and packaged foods and start including fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and so on.

6. Keeping your cholesterol under control is very important for heart health. Eat foods low in saturated and trans fat. Reduce your salt intake to have a healthy heart.

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