Mulvaney departs reports that he could replace Kelly as chief of staff


  Mick Mulvaney is photographed. | Getty Images "title =" Mick Mulvaney is photographed. | Getty Images "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  Republicans close to the White House have said that the director of the office of management and budget, Mick Mulvaney, is considered a possible successor to Chief of Staff John Kelly </p>
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Managing Director and Budget Mick Mulvaney said on Friday that President Donald Trump had not discussed with him the possibility of becoming the next White House Chief of Staff, thus avoiding filling out this role if the current chief of staff John Kelly left his position.Kelly, who became chief of staff of the president last July, said in recent days that he would leave the position "very soon, "which sparked discussions on who could replace the retired Marine General. was a chaotic West Wing. Republicans Close to White Hou Mulvaney, as well as Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff, Nick Ayers, are seen as possible successors to Kelly

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"I heard these same rumors about three times last time. 12 months, "said Mulvaney at Fox Business Network on Friday morning." I will start addressing this issue when the President will talk about it, as opposed to the media, and this has not happened yet. "

In addition to being Director of the OMB, Mulvaney has occupied for several months a second role as Acting Director of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The White House has insisted that Kelly is not planning an exit from the West Wing, White House spokesman Lindsay Walters told reporters that the report of the Wall Street Journal was a "fake e news "and that Kelly had told him that the story of the newspaper" was news for him ".

Conway Friday also rebuffed Kelly's departure reports.

"As far as I know, General Kelly wants to stay and he stays," she told Fox News on Friday morning. "He did not say anything differently."

Stephanie Murray contributed to this story.

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