Mummified Caribou Ice Wolf and Cub found in Yukon (PHOTOS) – RT World News


The 50,000-year-old mummified remains of two ice-age animals, a caribou and a wolf cub, were unveiled in Yukon Territory with their fur, skin and muscle tissue intact.

Specimens, among the oldest soft tissues of mummified mammals in the world, were found southeast of Dawson City, Yukon, by permafrost miners.

"They are spectacular, they are world class and we are really excited about them."Said the Yukon government paleontologist, Grant Zazula.

Bone and fossil discoveries from the Ice Age are often found in the Yukon, but mummified carcasses are extremely rare, says Zazula. So rare, in fact, that he believes it is the "only ice age ice wolf found in the world. "

In addition, Zazula says it could be the oldest soft tissue in the world because caribou were found in an area that includes an 80,000 year old volcanic ash bed.

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"These are ashes found in permafrost from volcanoes in Alaska that erupted during the ice age," he said. "We think it's one of the oldest mummified soft tissues in the world.. "

Both specimens were discovered within a month of each other in mid – 2016. The Cub, which is estimated to be no more than eight weeks old at death, is complete with a head, tail, fur and skin in contact. Caribou remains include the torso, head and front limbs of the animal.

According to the Yukon government, the miners, who made the fascinating discoveries, immediately reported their findings to researchers for study and preservation.

They have been accepted by the Canadian Conservation Institute and have recently been exhibited at Dawson's Dänojà Zho Cultural Center, where they will remain for the remainder of the month before being integrated into an exhibition at the Center. interpretation of Beringia in Whitehorse.

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