Mummified remains, over 50,000 years old, found in the Yukon


A mummified cub is seen in this undated photo. (CANADIAN PRESS / HO, Government of Yukon)

DAWSON CITY, Yukon – A snapshot of the life of a former predator and its prey is on display as the mummified ice age of a caribou calf and a cub is unveiled in the Yukon.

Paleontologist Grant Zazula said Thursday that specimens found southeast of Dawson City, Yukon, are among the world's oldest mummified mammalian soft tissues.

"From time to time we find remnants of voles or squirrels from the Ice Age, but in terms of something significant and crazy like this, it's very, very rare," Zazula said. .

Both specimens were radiocarbon and date back more than 50,000 years, when the northern landscape was an extremely cold grass tundra.

Although the area around Dawson City is now a boreal forest, the puppy and puppy probably navigated a tree-less world, where dry, cold winds were blowing around, as evidenced by the sediments found with the animals.

Many other animals that lived in the land when they were alive are now extinct, including western camels and woolly mammoths.

Both specimens were discovered by miners.

On June 3, 2016, the mummified caribou was found on the gold mine of Tony Beets' hangers at Paradise Hill. It includes almost the entire front half of the caribou carcass, including the torso, head and two forelimbs. .

The caribou was on a site containing a bed of volcanic ash dating back about 80,000 years.

"We think it's probably the oldest mummified mammalian tissue in the world for skin, hair and soft tissue muscles," Zazula said.

The wolf was found on July 13, 2016 on the claim of Favron Enterprises Ltd. and is exceptionally well preserved.

"It's beautiful, the fur, there are the cute little paws and tail and the curved upper lip showing her teeth. It's spectacular, "he said.

Zazula said the local paleontologists were delighted when they saw the remains.

"We are sometimes jealous because in Siberia we have colleagues working in Russia and it seems like they find a new carcass of woolly mammoth each summer. But we never seem to find those in the Yukon or Alaska, "he said.

Yukon paleontologists identified the mummified remains of a horse in the area about 30 years ago, but Zazula said he had not known any significant mammalian soft tissue specimens since then.

The researchers will study the remains to see what they can learn about the ancestors of the caribou and the wolf through genetic testing. They can also learn about animal diets, which hold clues to the environment at the time, by studying the chemical composition of their bones and other strategies.

Beyond science, Zazula said hope that specimens connect viewers to another era.

"When we look at fossil bones, it's one thing. But when you see a whole animal from time immemorial, it gives life to this ancient time, "he said.

"This brings you to think about the incredible changes that have occurred in the environment, the climate and the animal community since that time."

The mummified animals will be on display in Dawson City for the remainder of the month, and then join an exhibit at the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Center in Whitehorse.

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