Music could be used as a sleep aid; Foods that can also help


According to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, music could not only help reduce anxiety and the negative effects of physical pain, but also serve as a sleep aid, not expensive and non-pharmaceutical, to people with disabilities. difficulties to sleep well. Sleep loss is a widespread problem with severe physical and economic consequences. However, there is a lack of systematic data on its use, on the choice of music as a sleep aid or on the type of music that works. The study found that music stimulates sleep and blocks an internal or external stimulus that would otherwise disrupt sleep. In order to understand why people opt for music as a sleep aid or what type of music works, the team of researchers studied music as a sleep aid to the general public via an online survey that recorded musicality. , sleep habits and open text. answers about what kind of music helps them sleep and why.

The researchers examined more than 650 adults, who provided new evidence on the relationship between music and sleep in a population whose age, musicality, sleep patterns, and level of stress vary widely. The results showed that 62% used music to help them sleep. Even those who do not suffer from sleep disorders use music on a daily basis to improve the quality of their sleep.

Various studies have shown that music has many promising neurological and physiological effects, which could indicate its effective use in the fight against sleep loss. According to the study, the subjective psychological benefits of music were also associated with chemical changes observed via hormonal levels, as the music increased oxytocin and hence the degree of relaxation as well as the decrease of negative thoughts.

Besides music, some foods can help you sleep better.

1. milk

A glass of hot milk is said to be a perfect drink that helps induce restful sleep. The milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid, which turns into serotonin. Serotonin has soothing effects on the brain, which helps you sleep well.

2. almonds

Almonds could help maintain a restful sleep. Like milk, almonds contain tryptophan, which can help you sleep better. Plus, it also contains magnesium that keeps your heartbeat stable. A handful of almonds can be perfect for you.

3. bananas

Bananas contain magnesium and potassium that help relax your muscles. In fact, good carbohydrates in bananas can make you naturally sleepy.

4. chamomile tea

Chamomile is known to be a mild tranquilizer. Experts believe that the sedative effects of chamomile tea could be due to the flavonoid, apigenin, which binds to certain receptors in the brain, further inducing restful sleep.

5. dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains serotonin, which has a calming effect on the mind and nerves and helps you sleep better. Remember, moderation is the key. Do not eat too many chocolates because they can make you fat.

Good night's sleep!

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