Mwalimu optimistic about measures to control the spread of Ebola


The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) killed up to 16 September 75 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Older Persons and Children, Ummy Mwalimu, made the call yesterday in Dar es Salaam after an Ebola awareness campaign to raise awareness of the disease.

She ordered doctors in the region and district to set up isolation facilities to treat people suspected or confirmed to be suffering from Ebola.

The event also saw the launch of the EVD emergency plan and the special album produced by local artists to highlight and inform the public about this deadly disease.

Mwalimu said religious leaders and the general public should play a role in the fight against the disease.

"Although no case of Ebola has been reported so far in the country, we are still in danger because we are on the border with the DRC," the report said. Minister.

Increased awareness of the disease can help prevent people inadvertently falling ill, citing cases such as Sierra Leone and Liberia, which have withstood epidemics well.

"Tanzania has recently been designated as one of the countries on the right track to control the epidemic of diseases, including cholera and ebola," she added.

Dr. Adielle Onyenze, WHO Representative in the country, said that the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo remains active.

The epidemic was dangerous due to lack of access to areas in which there was active conflict and significant population movements between the DRC, Rwanda, Uganda and the country. Tanzania.

On Tanzania, Dr Onyenze said the risk of cross-border transmission of Ebola remains under threat as it affects and has significant human trafficking with the DRC.

He acknowledged the government's efforts to prevent the epidemic by putting in place control measures at border crossings.

"We all have a role to play because we are all at risk. Ebola can affect anyone, "he said.

Representing the Episcopal Conference of Tanzania (TEC), the director of social services and head of its health department, Jovin Baraza hailed the gesture saying that it was a good measure to prevent the disease.

"It is very important to involve all stakeholders in the fight against the disease because it has multiple impacts in different spheres, including economic activity," he said.

Brigadier General Emannuel Maganga (rtd), Kigoma regional commissioner, said everything was under control. There was surveillance and patrols at all points of entry to report any symptoms of illness among those who used border points, he said.

On 1 August, a new Ebola outbreak was reported in the DRC one week after the outbreak was declared.

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