"My Bad": Carmelo Anthony excuses for Made Shot and confirms Rockets strategy


You missed us so much, Melo. We might like to make jokes at your expense, but only because you are worth it.

On Tuesday night, he made his Houston Rockets debut in Birmingham, Alaska, against the Memphis Grizzlies.

Despite a start with his new winger MVP who was, well, how can I put this politely…?

… Anthony had a solid night in just 23 minutes.

  • 13 points (4-8 FG, 3-6 3PT)
  • 4 rebounds
  • 2 interceptions

Two of his 13 points came when he stepped on a 3-pointer, went into the bow and chose to shoot a long and open 2.

Is it a natural game for virtually all basketball players on Earth? Absolutely.

Normally, it would not matter. But it's a NO-NO when you play for the Houston Rockets, a team that only wants to shoot 3s and layups / dunks.

It's no secret at the moment, but if it were a questionable day of Rockets' offensive philosophy, Melo would silence them in a pre-season game.

In addition, do not forget: This is the franchise whose general manager, Daryl Morey, disdains analytical traps (long shots of 2 seconds) to the point of having even tried to totally forbid them the affiliation of the Rockets' G-League.

Credit: Grantland

This painting is BAFFLING and is only a microcosm of what the Rockets' practices probably look like behind closed doors.

As soon as Melo took the picture, he knew he had been wrong and apologized to the Rockets bench !!! S exclaiming: "my hurt!"

This is the first time I see people sorry to have taken – and done !! – a jumper wide open.

After the match, Melo explained what he was thinking during the game and why he looked at the bench:

"It's just who I am. If I have it, I'll shoot that. "

Never change, Carmelo Anthony, you are perfect as you are.

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