My "vicious" texts through Wikileaks were only "late-night delusions"


Roger Stone, a long-time informal adviser to President Trump, denied that the messages he sent to Randy Credico, a witness to Special Advocate Robert Mueller's investigation, were intended to intimidate him, instead of to pretend that they had been taken out of context and chosen.

In an interview with CNN, Stone responded Friday to a report from the network that Mueller allegedly received a copy of a treasure of messages sent by Stone to Credico. Sources told CNN that federal investigators were studying the messages and discussing with witnesses whether Stone had attempted to intimidate or harass his long-time friend, despite his communications with Credico, citing the possibility that he is a victim of alteration or obstruction of justice.

"Pulling three text messages out of thousands actually shows no context," Stone told CNN. "These are the nocturnal ramblings between two grumpy old men who have been friends for almost 20 years."

Stone identified Credico, a New York comedian, as his intermediary for WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. But Credico denied Stone's request.

In an exchange between Stone and Credico, Stone reacts to the revelation that Credico was summoned to appear by the special council.

"Tell what you have left, tell him to go fuck himself," Stone told Credico de Mueller.

In another message from Stone to Credico, this one says, "You stab your friends. Let go, my lawyers are dying. You tear in tatters. I will take away this dog. It's not a fucking thing you can do about it either because you're a weak piece of broken shit. "

Stone told CNN that other messages were omitted, including one where Credico told Stone that he should be ready to go to jail rather than Credico as a source and another where Stone urges Credico to say the truth.

"They're friendly, they're vulgar, they're vicious, they're mean, they're naughty, but they're not serious, so they have to be seen in context," said Stone.

He went on to say that there was "no attempt to intimidate or compel Randy Credico to do anything but the truth".

"These can not be taken seriously," Stone said. "We have been friends for 20 years. They are everywhere on the map. They must be seen in their entirety.

Stone also said the federal investigators had all his text messages, emails and telephone records.

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