Myself impossible, changing politics and zero filter: in the 30 years of Roseanne Barr and all that she has subjected us to


Roseanne Barr will not go softly in this good night.

The conners may have killed Roseanne Conner's iconic character in ABC's quest to keep her show alive without being implicated in any way, a decision made possible by her willingness to give up all control and involvement (creative, financial, etc.) in the future of the film A series after his toxic behavior on Twitter has resulted in the rapid cancellation of the rebirth, threatening the jobs of hundreds of people, but that does not mean that Barr, sassy, will sit idly by.

She has already criticized the choice of history as "cynical and horrible" when she spoiled it a month ago, reminded her followers on Twitter "I AM NOT DEAD, BITCHES !!! " and in a joint statement with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach published immediately after the first, preached on the "twin American values" of repentance and forgiveness while reproaching ABC to deny America "a shared moment, once a week, where we all could have enjoyed" A captivating scenario featuring a spiritual character – woman – with whom America is connected, not in spite of her faults, but because of them. "

That's all for moving to Israel and its "neutrality", as she promised at Boteach in early September.

Roseanne Barr

Kevin Winter / Getty Images

But, to be fair, should we really expect her to do it? After all, if there is one thing that Barr has clearly explained since she entered our living room 30 years ago with the premiere of Roseanne, it is that it is his way or the highway. And for a moment, this kind of behavior worked for the caustic comedian. Hell, it was even something for which she had been defended while she opened the way to women in a predominantly male industry.

But over time, the charm of Barr's turbulent driving has diminished considerably, leaving us with a tarnished reputation, a never-ending stream of consciousness that constitutes his Twitter thread and a persistent puzzle that asks where all this is happening. has gone so horribly. false.

When Roseanne premiered on October 18, 1988, it was an instant success, perfectly transforming the comic character of Barr "national goddess" into a matriarch of a white working class family that had never been seen before on TV. With Barr and John Goodman In Roseanne's and Dan Conner's central roles, the audience watched two leading actors considered overweight, but not ridiculed or diminished in any way because of it. Between this and the hard and honest way that the show unabashedly describes the life of blue-collar workers, often venturing into a heartbreaking and difficult territory, the show was a success overnight, ending its first season at the second place.

But his first success was not straightforward behind the scenes, as Barr was immediately infuriated – and some would say rightly – with the executive producer Matt Williams earning the unique designer credit for the series based on his life that he helped to create. "I've always assumed that the show would be created by Matt Williams and Roseanne Barr," she wrote in her 1994 book My livesHe explained in detail how Williams had studied his behavior, interviewed him for hours and even observed him at home with his family. "After rewriting all these scenes and filming the pilot, I was invited to see it.When the credits have run out, it was written:" Created by Matt Williams. "And that was it. I felt stolen and started to moan. "

With her and the stars of the show on the rise, Barr became increasingly contradictory to Williams, challenging his authority and refusing to say certain lines. Eventually, she boycotted her own show, refusing to say replicas, moving away from the game and threatening to leave if Williams was not removed from office. And she got her way. Williams left after the 13th episode of the series.

"Shortly after, I cleaned up the house." Honestly, I loved dismissing the people I'd checked at the back of my dressing room door. their luggage and went to join Matt Tim Allennew show, Improvement of the habitat, so none of them has suffered at all. Tim did not get credit either, "she told Vulture in 2011." But at least everyone started crediting me. I was supposed to be a genius and an eccentric instead of being a crazy bitch, and for a moment, I felt good. "

Although she felt good, the same could not be said of those who were still working for her. She forced then husband Tom Arnold on the writing staff and in the cast of the series and he became his performer, executing his demands and the routine dismissals of the writing staff. Between his wild relationship with Arnold and the tales of the Roseanne together she became the fodder for the tabloids. And then came his nightmare of the national anthem.

On July 25, 1990, two months after the end of his second season, Barr made his way to the famous stadium of Jack Murphy, San Diego, to perform the star anthem at the beginning of the Padres game against Reds from Cincinnati visiting. What she delivered immediately became infamous, with shrill singing, followed by sputum and a crotch sounding. Why was Barr even chosen for the performance? Roseanne producer Tom Werner belonged to the team at that time, although he has since tried to pin the decision Andy Strasbergand then vice president of team marketing.

Barr said later The Washington Post that the attempt at humor came from some Padres players and that she simply started singing too loudly to have the slightest chance of properly finishing the notoriously difficult song. President George H. Buisson slammed the performance as "shameful."

As the series unfolded, Barr's marriage with Arnold became more and more toxic and went public in the press. Their volatile arguments were presented on the set with breathtaking fervor. They divorced in 1994 and Barr claimed that he had been the victim of physical violence – a claim that he always refused – and took her away for as much money as possible. In turn, he claimed that she was assured that ABC forbade her to work for the network for life.

By the time Roseanne ends in 1997 with a disappointing final that cancels a good part of its last season, just as disparaged. Barr has undergone numerous cosmetic surgeries. She publicly described herself as a survivor of incest while she accused both her parents of sexual abuse. interview with Oprah Winfrey), married his only personal security guard Ben Thomas (They divorced in 2002) and earned its place in the television history books for introducing a positive portrayal of many of its progressive ideals. If, in the last ten years, we knew her, she seemed to have done everything in her power to make the headlines, but we did not know that she had just started.

Roseanne Barr

Scott Everett White / NBC

While his immediate attempts to maintain a career on television after RoseanneThe cancellation of the latter was less than successful – there was a talk show, Roseanne's show, which lasted from 1998-2000, and a reality show, The real show of Roseanne, which lasted only two episodes in 2003 – she started a new life with her current boyfriend Johnny Silvershe met after participating in a writing contest on her blog. After a year of telephone conversations, they began dating in 2003 and are currently living on a macadamia nut farm in Hawaii, documented in her 2011 reality series, Lifetime, aptly titled The Roseanne nuts. (It only lasted one season.)

When she returned to the stand-up world, she started making headlines for what she was doing outside the stage. There was the alarming interview of 2008 with The Guardian, where she called humanity a "failed" experience and proclaimed, "I think I am God and I would like to start all over again. I do not want to die, I just want everyone else … I think I should be here alone to rethink the world, that's what I want. I want these human beings to disappear. "

Then there was the remarkably misguided photo shoot for Heeb magazine in 2009 in which she ran under the name of Adolf Hitler, with mustache and swastika armband, holding a tray of burnt spice cookies – described as "biscuits of burned Jews" in the # 39; accompaniment item, in front of an oven.

This was followed by his attempt to run for president in 2012 as a Green Party candidate. She lost the appointment to Jill Stein, which led her to make transphobic comments on Twitter. She then won the nomination of the Party of Peace and Freedom with an activist Cindy Sheehan like his running mate. Almost immediately, Sheehan confronted Barr on just about everything and left the countryside. Having failed to appear on the ballot in her home country, she voted for Barack Obama Hawaii did not even allow entries, so she was sixth in the race with only 0.05% of the votes cast.

The same year she shared the home address and phone number of the parents of George Zimmerman, The Florida man who shot and killed 17 years Trayvon Martinbut was later acquitted of murder and manslaughter. A year later, she stated that the national security adviser of the time Susan Rice, who happens to be black, was "a man with big monkey balls swinging" in a tweet now deleted.

In a way, she followed with a return to television as a judge on NBC Last standing comic, joining the show in 2014 and staying for two seasons. And then, in 2016, while the presidential election provoking a PTSD held America in her hands, she became a full-fledged conspiracy theorist. Not only happy to support Donald Trump in her bid for the White House, she decided to tweet and retweet the Pizzagate theories (according to which Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, somehow ran a child trafficking network in the basement of a California pizzeria), making comparisons between Islam and Nazism and dismissing the existence of transgender people.

And even after all this, ABC went again and gave a Roseanne revive the green light. At first, nostalgia outweighed the growing evidence that Barr had irrevocably changed. The show had a number of ratings higher than that of its last season, making it one of the biggest TV hits for some time and received a phone call from congratulations from President Trump himself. (After all, Trump saw in big audiences as much a victory as for one of his biggest supporters.)

But while Barr should have celebrated, she could not stop it and, in a now-deleted tweet, called David HoggOne of the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was shooting in Parkland, Florida, had become a vocal activist for gun control, a Nazi. The same evening, his show came back in the air.

She was rewarded with a second season …Roseanne11th in total – renewal.

Of course, her emboldened behavior on Twitter finally got the better of her on that fateful day of May, when she called the liberal billionaire George Soros, who had survived the Holocaust as a teenager, a Nazi "who delivered his Jewish comrades 2 to murder in German concentration camps and stole their fortune" and went on to attack a former advisor Obama Valerie Jarrett, calling it the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes. Barr called this joke a bad joke, blaming the entire racist debacle on Ambien. ABC thought otherwise, with the president Channing Dungey calling the tweet "abominable, disgusting and inconsistent with our values" while she was quickly canceling this second season order.

So, the week she could have celebrated the 30th anniversary of her debut in a groundbreaking sitcom with the launch of the second season of her revival, she is instead forced to look at the project that introduced her into our life going from the front without it. It would be easy to say that the rest belongs to the story. It may be for ABC because they have found a way to get Barr out of their business and get out on the other side relatively unscathed. (The conners made his debut with quite successful numbers, despite Barr's rancor and his fans' whispers on Twitter.) But as long as Twitter remains at his disposal, it may not be so easy for us.

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