Mysterious Cosmic Ring of Black Holes or Neutron Stars Spotted by NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory


Once again NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory discovered a strange formation in the deep universe. That is, astronomers have spotted a mysterious cosmic ring in a distant galaxy, and this could be a ring of black holes.

The mysterious structure, which resembles a circle of powerful galactic radiation, is located in a galaxy 300 million light-years away from us, AM 0644-741. However, according to NASA, the only explanation for its radiation emissions would be that the mysterious cosmic ring is made up of neutron stars or black holes.

Accompanying the announcement of the discovery, NASA engineers have also developed an amazing composite image that reveals the strange formation of neutron stars or black holes. You can admire the photo published by NASA yesterday at the beginning of the article. In addition, more details about the results were published in a report published in August in the Astrophysical Journal.

A mysterious cosmic ring located 300 million light-years away could be made up of neutron stars or black holes.

AM 0644-741 is a galaxy called "ring" which formed after a violent galactic impact. The collision, according to NASA, "produced an expanding gas ring in AM 0644 that triggered the birth of new stars."

But what about the mysterious cosmic ring of neutron stars or black holes? Well, there is a simple explanation for that. The massive stars, formed in the circle of gas and dust that resulted from the collision, ended their life cycle and turned into supernovae. Subsequently, they became either black holes of about five to twenty solar masses, or neutron stars up to 1.5 solar masses.

"This ring can help scientists better understand what happens when galaxies get bogged down in catastrophic consequences," NASA officials said.

Surprisingly, however, the objects that make up the mysterious cosmic ring are so bright that NASA's Chandra has cataloged them as "ultra-bright X-ray sources." Normal binary systems in which an associated star is orbiting a neutron star or a black hole, said NASA scientists.


Jasmine holds a Masters degree in Journalism from Ryerson University in Toronto and is a professional writer in a wide variety of genres. She has worked as a senior public relations and communications executive for major telecommunications companies and is the former Assistant Director of Media Relations with the Modern Coalition. Jasmine writes mainly in our LGBTTQQIAAP section and Science.

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