Myths about influenza vaccine, for example, you have to wait for the cold to get vaccinated


We have all seen surprising headlines of celebrities canceling a concert because of the flu or people dying of the disease.

The flu is responsible for about 20,000 deaths per year on average in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An effective and important way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated against the flu. But there are many myths and misunderstandings about this vaccine.

Here are some myths and truths about the influenza vaccine.

1. Everyone needs the flu shot. True or false? True. For the 2018-2019 influenza season, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends annual influenza immunizations for people 6 months of age and older who do not have a health problem that can cause complications. Inactive influenza vaccine is also recommended for pregnant women.

2. If you had a flu shot last year, you do not need it this year. True or false? False. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recommends annual and routine vaccination against influenza. Each year, different strains of influenza may be present. It is important to protect each year the latest predicted strains that could otherwise cause serious diseases.


3. You can get the flu with the vaccine. True or false? False. The influenza vaccine contains an inactivated virus, which means that you can not actually catch the flu after firing. However, shooting can have mild side effects, including pain, headache, fever, and nausea. You should consult a doctor if you develop symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as difficulty breathing, hoarseness or swelling of the eyes or lips.

4. There is only one type of flu shot. True or false? False. There are actually at least three types of vaccines available, made with different strains of the flu. Currently, most places carry the quadrivalent inactive vaccine. Your health care provider will individually determine the type of influenza vaccine that is best for you.

5. If you have an allergy to eggs, you can still get the flu shot. True or false? That's true, with conditions. The AAFP and the CDC state that people with a history of severe allergic reactions to eggs, which does not just mean hives because there is a reaction Benign, may be vaccinated, but must be vaccinated against influenza in a hospital or outpatient medical setting instead of at work or in a pharmacy. This includes, but is not limited to, hospitals, clinics, health departments and physicians' offices. The administration of the vaccine should be supervised by a clinician capable of recognizing and managing severe allergic reactions.

6. It is good to wait until it gets colder to get a flu shot. True or false? False. The flu season can begin in October and end in March, but you can get the flu at any time of the year. It is difficult to predict the severity of each influenza season or strain, and the duration of the disease may put you at risk. So, if you have flu symptoms outside the flu season, see a doctor.

7. If you are pregnant, do not get a flu shot because it could harm your unborn baby. True or false? False. Pregnant women should be vaccinated against seasonal influenza because they are more likely to become seriously ill if they get the flu. The type of inactive vaccine given to all pregnant women is safe for the baby.

8. If you feel good, you should still be vaccinated against the flu. True or false? True. Although some people – including the elderly and those with compromised immune systems – are more likely to develop life-threatening complications as a result of influenza vaccine, everyone can get sick with the flu. In addition, the influenza vaccine, like other vaccines, works better with what is called "collective immunity", which means that the lower the number of people who get vaccinated, the lower the number of people who get vaccinated. disease spreads.

9. The flu shot causes autism. True or false? False. Many studies have examined this issue and found no link between vaccines and autism, says the CDC.

10. You can only be vaccinated against the flu with the doctor's office. True or false? False. Grocery stores, pharmacies, as well as doctors' offices and hospitals offer vaccines against influenza. It does not matter where you go because they all use the same vaccine. It is important to get the flu shot as soon as possible.

Dr. Tambetta Ojong is a resident in family medicine at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and a member of ABC News Medical Unit.

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