Nail polishes with 'n-free' labels are not necessarily free of toxic compounds


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Consumers are growing more knowledgeable about the potential health effects of nail polish, and manufacturers have taken action. They have started the process of eliminating toxicants and labeling their substances. However, these labels are not always accurate, and reformulated products are not necessarily Environmental Science & Technology.

Plasticizers improve flexibility and resistance in nail polish. In the 2000s, concerns grew on the use of the plasticizer di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), a reproductive and developmental toxicant. In response, nail polish manufacturers began switching to other plasticizers. Many labeled the new polishes as "3-Free," meaning the lack of "toxic trio" of DnBP, toluene and formaldehyde. The trend spread, and labels now all the different types of chemicals, but there is little standardization of which chemicals are excluded. But recent evidence shows that some substitute ingredients, such as the plasticizer triphenyl phosphate (TPHP), also can be harmful. This issue is one of the most important aspects of a chemical known as "regrettable substitution." For more information, please visit our website:>

The scientists reviewed 40 different nail polishes and found that Yet other producers are using similar toxic substitutes, such as bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, sometimes without disclosing the compounds. The researchers also found that polishes with labels that do not require a reduced toxicity. "Young says:" With little standardization or validation of the claims, it's challenging for consumers and nail salon workers to know what these labels really mean for health. "It's not as simple as what we are not in, we have to address harmful chemicals.

Explore further:
How are you about nail care safety?

More information:
"Phthalate and Organophosphate Plasticizers in Nail Polish: Evaluation of Labels and Ingredients" Environmental Science & Technology (2018).

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