'Naked Melania' says T.I. video was to 'empower women': 'I'm proud of myself for being so brave'


The Canadian actress who stripped naked while impersonating first lady Melania Trump in a new video by rapper T.I. says she did it to "empower women" and is proud of herself for "being so brave."

T.I., whose real name is Clifford Joseph Harris Jr., tweeted to one-minute video Last week in the Oval Office as Melanie Marden, impersonating the first lady, the Resolute Desk.

The video received widespread backlash, including from Mrs. Trump's spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham, who called for a boycott against the rapper.

Ms. Marden, who has since dubbed herself "Naked Melania," wrote an Instagram post this week defending herself for the video.

"It was a creative choice for me," she wrote. "I stand firmly in my decision to share all of myself in this role. I wanted to be brave, be fearless and for the first time in my life. The body is nothing to be ashamed of. In this time of day, women are finally talking about being victimized. It was a hard decision for me but I'm proud of myself for being so brave. "

Ms. Marden mocked the Trumps in another video posted Friday.

"Yes, I was naked, but I've been naked before," Ms. Marden says in the video, impersonating the first lady. "For those of you who love my husband, I love him too, but there is no reason for death threats. Life is short, relax and be kind. Be best. God bless America and Russia and the Trumps. "

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