Nancy Barbato Sinatra, Frank Sinatra's first unshakable wife, dies at 101


Nancy Barbato Sinatra, the first wife of singer Frank Sinatra and the mother of his three children, and who remained a comforting source of stability – and home-cooked meals – for the tumultuous artist for decades , died July 13 at age 101

His daughter Nancy Sinatra announced death on social media but did not provide details about the location or cause of death.

Like her husband, Ms. Sinatra grew up in an Italian Italian family in New Jersey. and had a strong, unshakeable sense of honor. Even before their marriage in 1939, she repelled the admirers of Frank Sinatra, but she was loyal despite the many temptations she engaged in.

(Two photos of Sinatra that became famous a few years later were taken after he was arrested in 1938 for adultery with a married woman – a crime at the time.)

Ms. Sinatra worked as a secretary and sewed her husband's silk knots as he struggled to launch his singing career. She cooked Italian dishes that he loved and saved money by jumping meat in his tomato sauce

During World War II, Frank Sinatra became a singing sensation and was besieged by young female fans called "bobby soxers". . Mrs. Sinatra, who sometimes called "Big Nancy" or "Nancy Sr." after the birth of her daughter Nancy in 1940, remained largely in the background.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra in 2007. (Gabriel Bouys / AFP / Getty Images)

As the fame of her husband grew, she refined her wardrobe and her hair and cut her teeth

" She did everything she could to keep it going – cook it as he does meringue pies, "wrote biographer James Kaplan in" Frank: The Voice "(2010)." He loved his meals, and he loved it. Liked it, but it was elusive. "

When Frank Sinatra's career developed in the 1940s to include film, they moved to California.The family grew to include two more children The fan magazines portrayed Sinatra as a seemingly happy family man, but he was often away from home.He did little to hide his flirtations with Hollywood stars like Lana Turner, Marlene Dietrich, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe and Angie Dickinson

"The most famous Frank Sinatra has," Kaplan wrote, "The more women there were who wanted to go to bed with him, and he saw no reason not to oblige as many of them as possible. Covering the evidence was rarely his first priority. "

The couple was briefly separated in 1946 and again, for good, in 1950.

" Unfortunately, my life as a couple with Frank became very unhappy and almost unbearable "Sinatra told at the time, in one of his few public comments.

They divorced in 1951, and in a week Frank Sinatra married the glamorous movie star Ava Gardner

.Sinatra won the sympathy in Hollywood circles, but she kept a low profile by raising her children in the family home in the exclusive section of Holmby Hills in Los Angeles.

She gave Sinatra's valet, George Jacobs, instructions for preparing his favorite food, such as pasta, grilled peppers, scrambled egg sandwiches and steaks, that he liked to pound flatten.

She also received phone calls from her ex-husband at middle of the night when his r Elations with other women

"His dignity," Kaplan wrote, "was indestructible."

Frank Sinatra and Gardner divorced in 1957. He was then engaged to actresses Lauren Bacall and Juliet Prowse before being sentenced to death. to marry Mia Farrow in 1966. This marriage lasted two years. Sinatra was married for the fourth and last time in 1976 to Barbara Marx, the ex-wife of the performer and producer Zeppo Marx.

For years, Frank Sinatra continued to visit his wife to see their children, but often He arrived without being announced, lighting a fire in the fireplace, staying for a home-cooked meal and sleeping on the couch .

In 1963, when their son Franklin – known as Frank Sinatra Jr. – was kidnapped Sinatra's house became an unofficial headquarters of the police and media during the four days of the ordeal.

After Frank Jr. was released by his captors, the police found him walking to his mother's house. Nanicia Rose Barbato, who was known as Nancy since her childhood, was born March 25, 1917 in Jersey City. His father was a plastering contractor, his mother a housewife.

She was 17 years old when she met Sinatra at Long Branch on the Jersey Shore. He was 18 and had then only aspirations for a singing career.

In 1965, long after their divorce, Mrs. Sinatra organized a birthday party for her ex-husband at the Beverly Wilshire hotel. "I did not do it under the pretense of thinking that he would come back," she told her granddaughter AJ Lambert, who wrote about the party at Vanity Fair in 2015. " It's just that we had a nice partnership and I wanted it to continue as well. "

Frank Sinatra died in 1998 at age 82. Frank Sinatra Jr., who spent years as musical director of his father and later went around the world under the heading "Sinatra Sings Sinatra", died in 2016 at 72.

Survivors include two daughters, Nancy Sinatra and Tina Sinatra; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Sinatra lived 67 years after divorcing with her husband. She never remarried.

Later, she settled in Beverly Hills, where she received her children and grandchildren every Sunday until the age of 100. She always did the cooking [19659029] window.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {});
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