Nancy Pelosi cursed at, called a communist during political event in Florida


Demonstrators singing outside a building where Pelosi spoke to volunteers for a get-out-of-the-vote event for Democratic Democratic Congressional candidates Donna Shalala and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell on Wednesday. (Wilfredo Lee / Associated Press)

A group of hecklers angrily confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi during a campaign for a congressional hopeful in South Florida.

It was yet another incident that the country's bitter and emotional political environment is at risk of leading to violence.

The video shows a small group of protesters cursing at Pelosi (D-Calif.), And calling her a communist in English and Spanish, as she enters an event on Wednesday in Coral Gables, Fla., To campaign for Democrat Donna Shalala, who is running to fill the vacated seat by the retiring Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) in Miami.

"You do not belong here," one says. "Afuera"

After Pelosi calmly walks by and enters the building, people bang on the door.

"Open up! It's the Proud Boys in here, "one says, far-right group that was involved in a street brawl in New York last weekend.

"Socialism sucks," others singing.

Photographs taken from the event, which appears to be organized by Nelson Diaz, the chairman of the Republican Party in Miami-Dade County, by Grant Stern, show some protesters with Proud Boys gear.

"I do not agree with Nancy Pelosi's agenda, but this is absolutely the wrong way to express those disagreements," Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, who was wounded in a shooting at a baseball team practice in 2017, wrote on Twitter. "If you want to stop her policies, do not threaten her, VOTE! That's how we settle our differences. "

Drew Hammill, Pelosi said President Trump and Republicans were blame for stoking the flames of "incivility, intolerance and aggression."

"It is deeply sad but unsurprising that we are looking at it," she said. "It is stunning that the Republicans have the gall to call courageous survivors of sexual assault a 'mob', at the same time they incite and condone violent actions like this. Republicans must condemn this vile and dangerous conduct, and stop the reckless and dangerous rhetoric that encourages it. "

According to the right-wing blog Big League Politics, the video was shot by a man who has been previously identified as the leader of the Miami chapter of the Proud Boys.

In an email, Diaz said that he was not a member nor supporter of the group.

"Up until a few days ago, I had never heard of them," he said.

The video did not appear to be distributed on YouTube, but it was also a problem when it came to getting rid of it. places such as restaurants.

Nancy Pelosi was heckled at a Miami Restaurant by Trump Supporting Cuban Americans, "reported one.

"Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant – by Cuban Americans in Miami," wrote another.


The protest did not take place at a restaurant. It occurred at Shalala's headquarters, where protests during an event were much reported earlier this week.

The Shalala had been organized. Barbara Lee, a progressive Democrat who represents a liberal district in Northern California.

Cuban leader Fidel Castro after his death, telling a newspaper reporter that "we need to stop and break the dead," and calling it "very sad for the Cuban people," according to the Miami Herald. The remark that did not sit in Miami's conservative community of Cuban expatriates.

Lee's planned visit was later canceled, but was seen as a major political blunder for Shalala.

"There's a simple rule in running for Congress in Miami: Politician's Marc Caputo wrote. "But Donna Shalala did not figure it out until it was too late."

The protests swell to at least 40 people, who "pounded on every door they could find and clamored insults in both Spanish and English like 'Nasty Pelosi' and 'brujas'" according to the Miami Herald. "

Police officers and Secret Service agents had the property reported, the Herald reported.

The Proud Boys, a group of self-proclaimed "Western chauvinists" who are described as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, have been connected to recent violence in Oregon and New York, where police are seeking to arrest the group after a street fight with some anti-fascist protesters.

The group declined to comment.

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