Nancy Pelosi: Democrats should focus on health care, working families


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi hopes six Texas Democrats will become US seats in November. Wish Democratic candidates focus on improving health care, rather than abolishing US immigration and customs legislation; and thinks that the US Supreme Court's candidate, Brett Kavanaugh, does not have the "temperament" for the job.

"This is not the time, shall we say, for a hysterical and impartial person to go to court and wait until we say," Is not it wonderful " "Pelosi told Alex Wagner, co-host of" The Circus "in Showtime an interview at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Saturday morning.

Pelosi said the Democrats are focusing their campaign messages on affordable health care and helping working-class families make the "blue wave" a reality in November. Pelosi said she was advising Democratic candidates not to waste energy on issues such as the eventual removal of President Donald Trump. Instead, she advises them to focus on issues of personal importance to voters.

"I'm just saying to the candidates, [Republicans] would like to think that we are indicting, closing ICE, all kinds of things, and that serves the purpose of the president. "

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But the real advice that Pelosi gave the Democratic candidates? "Do everything you need to win – just win, baby," she said.

A 15-year-old House Democratic Caucus leader, Pelosi faces domestic unrest in the run-up to November's mid-term elections. In congresses across the country, the Democrats distanced themselves from the veteran leader as Republican campaigns ran ads linking them to Pelosi – whom they described as liberal and coastal radical elites.

"Let them do what they want," Pelosi told The New York Times last month. "We must win the elections."

Texans in Congress were divided over Pelosi's leadership, dissent grew within the Democratic caucus. In 2016, US Representative Beto O'Rourke, currently a candidate for the US Senate, publicly supported Pelosi's ruling rival, US Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio.

Pelosi, an effective fundraiser for Democratic hopefuls, nevertheless praised O'Rourke in his offer against Cruz.

"He has genius, he has the values, he has the stamina to represent a state as big as Texas in a manner respectful of other opinions," she said Saturday. "His election will transform not only Texas, but also the country."

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If Democrats regained a majority in the House, Pelosi said she would ask the presidency for another term. But in recent public statements, she acknowledged the eventual end of her leadership role.

Asked about possible breaks in the Democratic base and candidates going further left, Pelosi downplayed worries that Democrats could work as a united party. "People are democrats for a reason," she said, their common ideology being the "economic stability of working American families."

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