Nancy Pelosi Hints That She Is "Safe" Governor Brown Will Sign California's Neutrality Bill


Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi spoke Tuesday in San Francisco of the need for S.B. 822, the Net Neutrality Bill in California, along with Senator Scott Wiener, the lead author of the bill.
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Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday added her voice to a group of California legislators and her lawyers calling on Governor Jerry Brown to sign Senate bill 822 to restore the neutrality protection of the Federal Communications Commission. year.

Appellant SB The transition from 822 to a "historic" moment for California and also vital for its future, Pelosi said the bill would "pave the way" for other states that are trying to fight the FCC decision . In recognizing the various grassroots and grassroots groups involved, Pelosi thanked the California youth for recognizing the importance of the problem.

"The young people and all the people representing the different aspects of our community knew how important it was, acted on that knowledge and made a difference," she said.

In private, Democratic aides have expressed confidence that Brown will sign the bill. He was consulted by S.B. 822 authors are frequently on his nine-month trip through the legislature. It is the governor's policy not to comment on the pending legislation. Tuesday's press conference is one of many events fans have planned to present to Brown, as well as the public, that S. 822 should become law.

Just before handing over the microphone to state Senator Scott Wiener, the lead author of the bill, Pelosi offered some of the strongest assurances at one point: "I'm sure we'll soon be able to congratulate California for the neutrality of the Net. . & # 39; "

Brown has until the end of the month to sign the bill.

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In addition to Wiener, Pelosi was joined by State Senator Nancy Skinner and Assembly members Rob Bonta and David Chiu, co-sponsors of SB 822. Also present were representatives of local fire brigades, including Tom O ' Connor, president of Firefighters Local 798 in San Francisco.

The post of Tuesday's event was Fire Department Station 35 in San Francisco.

California firefighters were involved in the net neutrality battle after it revealed that Verizon had slowed the speed of firefighters in Santa Clara as they battled a major California wildfire.

In response to the incident, the FCC was widely criticized for voting for the repeal of the 2015 Open Internet Order, a move that essentially abdicated the Commission's authority to prevent Verizon and other suppliers

"Network neutrality and fire fighting may not be the first combination that comes to mind," said O'Connor. "However, San Francisco firefighters, like our colleagues in Santa Clara, rely on these sophisticated communications networks and depend on their reliability in the most critical moments.

"When we work hardest, we do not want to worry about being able to communicate between vehicles, with crews or with dispatch, because the data traffic should flow freely and unhindered," he added. In terms of net neutrality, ISPs have shown that they are "more than willing" to place their profits on the safety of first responders.

Haleema Bharoocha, 19, was one of the defenders invited to speak. She used her time at the microphone to describe the central role played by a free and open Internet by giving a voice to Muslim women, who she said were largely excluded from the #MeToo movement.

"As a young Muslim woman, Internet neutrality has helped me survive oppression and prosper in a world that often dehumanizes me," said Bharoocha, who shared his own Aggression and harassment experiences with the Seattle Times. "My online voice is powerful and I used it to fight Islamophobia, sexism and racism."

S. 822, Bharoocha added, would ensure that "the next generation of Muslim women like me have a platform to express their identity and pursue justice."

Asked whether legal threats had been made in response to the passage of the bill, Senator Wiener stated that AT & T, Verizon and Comcast, among others, had "clearly explained" their intention to proceed with the bill. justice.

"They have the right to sue," he said, adding that he felt the bill was "very defensible."

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