Naomi Watts is in the series "The Game of Thrones" as a mysterious character


In June, fans feared prematurely next year Game of thrones final were relieved to learn that the plans of a Eu The prequel series were already in preparation at HBO. Even better? Naomi Watts plays in the Game of thrones prequel, according to a new report by The Hollywood journalist, published on Tuesday, October 30th. At this point, it seems that most of the details regarding Watts' role have not yet been published. That said, according to similar reports released Tuesday by both THR and Variety, it seems that future audiences of the series can expect a mystery from Watts Eu prequel character, whatever it is.

Unfortunately for those Eu fans who would like to get their hands on any detail about Watts' role as soon as possible, it also sounds as if the mystery surrounding his character begins now. According to these two reports, Watts' involvement in the untitled HBO film Eu The prequel series has been definitively confirmed, but little information is available as to who will play and what it will look like. Nevertheless, a brief description of Watts' character does his part to provide a general but convincing picture. according to Variety, Watts will play

"a charismatic socialite hiding a dark secret."

As we do not know much about the mysterious main character (even the name of the character is apparently kept secret, at least for the moment), or the series itself, interested viewers will simply have to wait for the updates subsequent HBOs to really get an idea of ​​what the Eu prequel, and the character of Watts, are all on. And since the president of HBO programming said THR back in January that any prequel series would not air until at least a year later EuThe last season of the series, which most fans probably know is currently scheduled for 2019, may not be long before the audience sees more answers.

Meanwhile, Westeros aficionados can theorize about Watts' character and his inclusion in the upcoming film, via the official description of the HBO series. As Weekly entertainment As noted in his report on Watts' cast, the network has released a long synopsis along with his original announcement this summer, teasing the scary and fantastic new series. "Taking place thousands of years before the events of Game of thrones, the series tells the descent of the world of the age of heroes in its darkest hour, "reads the synopsis of HBO.

He did not introduce characters or highlight specific premises, although the rest of the HBO synopsis suggested that Watts' character was not the only one to cross Westeros with an "obscure secret":

One thing is certain: from the scary secrets of the history of Westeros to the true origin of white walkers, from the mysteries of the East to the legendary Starks … this is not the only thing I have ever seen. history that we think we know. "

The series may not be intended to provide fans with the same old song and dance they have come to love. Eu, but it seems pretty clear that the upcoming HBO pre-series series has a lot to offer, anyway. The casting of Watts seems to be sufficient proof.

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