Napa protesters remember Alaina Housley and vowed to continue fighting armed violence | Local news



The march of heroes

Walkers holding placards paying tribute to Alaina Housley and calling for an end to armed violence followed a route in downtown First Street, Napa, toward the Veterans Park.

The death of a young woman from Napa following the mass shooting of Thousand Oaks last week caused an outpouring of memories in her hometown. On Monday morning, hundreds of Napanians joined forces to commemorate Alaina Housley's memory. The teenage leaders of the event pledged to continue the fight against gun violence and to ensure that Housley is not forgotten as a victim among thousands.

"Do not forget. We are moving too fast and we can not do it, "said Michael Rupprecht, founder of the Hero Foundation in Napa, at the start of the Walk for Heroes. "It's time to be heroes for this city, this state, this country, this family, their children, their children."

Following a series of reminiscences and tributes to Housley, 18 – a recent High High graduate and a freshman at Pepperdine University who was killed along with 11 other people at Borderline Bar & Grill, Wednesday, the protesters went in the procession of Veterans Memorial Park what the organizers have called a memorial not only for Housley, but for all those who lost their lives because of a gun.


The march of heroes

Michael Rupprecht, founder of The Hero Foundation in Napa, addresses several hundred people outside Memorial Stadium on Monday morning, at the start of the Heroes Walk, organized by the Foundation in memory of Alain Housley.

Jefferson and First Streets were dotted with support signs such as WE ARE WITH US, ALAINA, but also more pointed like VIES, IT'S MORE GIVEN THAN FIREARMS. A particularly tart banner made fun of politicians who had nothing but pretensions to offer to the relatives of their victims, striking out THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS and demanding a POLICY CHANGE to keep firearms away from people who would have been killed, such as former Marine Corps suspected of having been killed..

The announcement of Housley's death inspired two nocturnal vigils in Napa County less than 24 hours after the attack – including one on the Vintage campus where she studied for four years – as well as "the night". an escort of law enforcement vehicles at the Tulocay cemetery Sunday afternoon.

At the same time, members of the Heroes Foundation, a non-profit organization that organized the march of the heroes, said that a larger gesture was necessary not only to preserve the memory of a well-deserving teenager. admired, but also to fight for a future in which such brutality is no longer almost weekly. occurrence.

"We texted the group saying," Guys, that's not okay. Before making a decision, we needed to do something about it, "said Raphael Genty, a student at New Technology High and co-founder of the Hero Foundation.


The march of heroes

Hundreds of people taking part in Monday's hero's walk in memory of Alaina Housley paused for a moment of silence in front of the doors of Napa's Memorial Stadium before carrying their signs downtown, to the Veterans. Memorial Park.

"I do not want to live in a world where mass shootings are commonplace and we have to wonder which one," Genty told the marchers an hour later.

"It's not about gun control for us; It's a matter of kindness, "said Alaina's father, Arik Housley, while his wife, Hannah, was standing arm-in-arm outside the stadium gates. "What's missing is that we have to put our phones; talk to your parents, talk to your children. Say hello, because the time is up before you know it.


The march of heroes

Arik and Hannah Housley share memories of their 18-year-old daughter Alaina in front of Memorial Stadium at the start of the Heroes Walk, a procession held in memory of Alaina and other victims of armed violence .

Mike Thompson, a long-time congressman from Napa County, congratulated the young organizers of the march for illustrating what future generations could do to break the bloodshed cycle.

As Chair of the House Working Group on the Prevention of Armed Violence, "I have had to meet the victims and the families of the victims in all (mass) shootings since Sandy Hook (in 2012). said Thompson, D-St. Helena. "I can tell you that these students understood. Students know that we need to make changes. … these students get it; they do not need to hear more statistics. And if you are here today, you get it. "

The sudden and violent loss of a dear friend remained a cruel wound for Taylor Bragg, a student of the Vintage, who made friends with Housley when both were in a school production of the musical "Les Misérables" and remained in constant contact with her after graduating in June. registered in Pepperdine.

"It makes me so angry that I did not get to know her anymore," Bragg told the walkers. "It makes me mad that she died just because she wanted to dance or more likely stumble. But I still think she's going to change the world. we have to fight for Alaina and for the 11 other people who lost their lives.

"Alaina: wherever you are, I love you. We will be together, whatever the weather. "


The march of heroes

Hundreds of people participated Monday morning in the Walk of Heroes, an organized procession from Memorial Stadium to the Veterans Memorial Park, organized by local teenagers, in memory of Alaina Housley and other victims of armed violence.

Later, after the procession reached Veterans Memorial Park, a walker was asked to tell her own story of loss. In a short open mic session in the park's amphitheater, Guadalupe Martinez, a New Tech school counselor, publicly debated the murder of her 22-year-old brother Ruben in Vallejo. 2010.


The march of heroes

Hundreds of people gathered in front of Napa Memorial Stadium on Monday morning for the start of the Heroes Walk, organized by local teenagers in honor of Alaina Housley. The 18-year-old Vintage High, a freshman at Pepperdine University, died with 11 other people in a gun attack at a country / western bar in Thousand Oaks.

"It's hard, I've really been arguing, am I doing this?" Martinez said afterwards, "Seeing Hannah and Arik live this experience was so hard to see." Years later, we here again: another family, another great person who had hopes and dreams. "

In the end, Martinez decided to make his voice heard.

"Please, let your voice continue to be heard, like a thunder in the sky," she told the marchers at the end of their trip. "Do not give up this cause."

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